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ARTICLES AKKAD ALHUSSEIN Target-cultural ‘facts’ – Do they really exist?: A critical assessment of Toury’s Descriptive Translation Studies ..................................... 1 OLIVER CARREIRA MARTÍNEZ The Transcreation Brief: A Definition Proposal ...................................................... 23 AITZIBER ELEJALDE SAENZ (Re)translation and Reception of Neologisms in Science Fiction: A Methodological Proposal ........................................................................... 39 ENYA FERNÁNDEZ MUÑOZ The eternal antagonism between humans and technology: A study on machine translation ................ 59 MARTYN GRAY Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti’s Framework to Science Fictional Texts .................................... 75 LAN BAO HOANG Translation Profession Status in Vietnam: Document and Empirical Analyses ........................... 99 BABAR KHAN The Paratext/Metatext Continuum: Walter Benjamin’s “The Translator’s Task” As a Paratext That Is Also a Metatext Within a Network of Nested Textual Manifestations ............ 125 SAJJAD KIANBAKHT Translation Equivalence Theory Meets Cultural Linguistics: A Cultural Conceptual Model of Equivalence ......................................................... 139 LISI LIANG Subtitling a Political Film: Linguistic and Ideological Transfer in The Iron Lady (2011) ........... 161 SYLVIE MONJEAN-DECAUDIN Majuscules des noms des juridictions et traduction: Les incohérences des dictionnaires bilingues français-espagnol-français ............................ 187 SOFÍA MONZÓN RODRÍGUEZ The Struggles of Translating Henry Miller in Franco’s Spain (1939-1975): The Different Versions of Black Spring (1936) ...................................................... 203 DANGUOLÉ SATKAUSKAITÉ, ALINA KUZMICKIENÉ Tu es bien romantique: A Multimodal Perspective on French Characters in Dubbed Animation ........... 221 PERRINE SCHUMACHER Post-édition et traduction humaine en contexte académique: une étude empirique ..................... 239 IGNACIO SOLANO DUEÑAS Localizing gender, humor and names: Analysis of Borderlands 2’s translation ........................ 275 ELIN SVAHN Fantastic Translator Role Models and Where to Find Them: A Longitudinal Perspective on Translation Students’ Possible Selves and Role Model Development ................................ 299 ROBERT SZYMYSLIK The Translation of Fictional Worlds in Superheroic Comic Books: The Case of Action Comics #1000 .................................................................... 323 FARAH MAGDY ZEINA Nahdah Translators and the Politics of Modernization in Colonial Egypt: A Paratextual Analysis of Darwinism as a Reform Project ............................................ 339 NEWS YERAY GARCÍA CELADES IX TAVUA. The audiovisual sociolect: An overview of the 9th Conference on Dubbing and Subtitling of the University of Alicante ............................................ 367 AIDA GREGORIO RODRÍGUEZ 1st International Symposium on Translation and Knowledge Transfer (TRAK): New Trends in the Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting: A review of all the talks .......................................................................... 371 RESEÑAS OLAIA ANDALUZ-PINEDO Subtitling Television Series. A Corpus-Driven Study of Police Procedurals ......................... 377 VEDRANA ČEMERIN Intersemiotic Translation Literary and Linguistic Multimodality .................................... 383 MIN GAO Fictional Translators: Rethinking Translation through Literature ................................... 387 LYDIA HAYES AVT: Current Perspectives and Applications. e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching I  .............................................................. 395 YUAN PING Linguistic and cultural representation in audiovisual translation .................................. 403 JIANZHONG XU On Interpreting Education Based on Theory and Empirical Research ................................... 407

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