• Producción de carne de ovino mayor en raza merina. I. Valoración y clasificación de canales 

      Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Cruz Mira, M.; Domenech García, V.; Martínez Hens, J.; Méndez Medina, D.; Peña Blanco, Francisco; Garzón Sigler, A. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1991)
      Carcases of 200 merino sheep were appraised visually and objectively. Mean age was 6.1 years and mean weight at slaughter was 40.21 kg giving a carcase yield of 19.78 kg (48.9%). Assessment of the carcass gave mean values ...
    • Producción de carne de ovino mayor en raza merina. II. Valoración del quinto cuarto y despiece (composición regional) 

      Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Domenech García, V.; Vera y Vega, A.; Martínez Hens, J.; Méndez Medina, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1991)
      The weight and yield of 40 merino sheep were studied. Mean weights were recorded as follows: 40.24 kg at slaughter; 36.96 kg empty slaughter weight; 18.40 g hot carcase weight and 45.75% carcase yield. The 5th cut was 22.7% ...
    • Producción láctea en ovejas de raza merina durante la fase de amamantamiento 

      Peña Blanco, Francisco (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
      This is a study of quantity of milk produced by 100 Spanish Merino sheep at the 8 week suckling period, recording this production by. the "suckling and weightinT testu with a weekly period and 12 hour control. The measured ...
    • Producción láctea en ovejas de raza segureña durante el periodo de amamantamiento. Paridera de invierno 

      Domenech García, V.; Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Tovar Andrada, J.J.; Cruz Mira, M.; Peña Blanco, Francisco (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1986)
      The purpose of this work iS to examine milk production potential in Segureña breed. To, this aim 41 ewes (33 single and 6 twins) were used. The lactation period covered was 7 weeks. Milk production was estimated by the ...
    • Producción láctea y ajuste de la curva de lactación en caprinos de raza Florida 

      Vega Vilca, J.; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Domenech García, V.; Sánchez Rodríguez, M.; Martos Peinado, José; Peña Blanco, Francisco (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999)
      Milk yield and average lactation curves is studied in the Florida caprine breed. 968 valid lactations are analyzed corresponding to 317 females kept under a semi-extensive management system, fed by grazing and additional ...
    • Productividad de la UTH en el desbroce de la jara negra (Cistus ladanifer) 

      Peinado Lucena, E.; Gallego Barrera, J.A.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
      The UTH productivity in the cut of the black-rose (Cistus ladanifer L.) is studied in different conditions of the brake and of the mowing machine used, obtaining 4.362"5, 2.168"75 y 1.693"75 kg per hour of actual work of ...
    • Programa de conservación del ganado vacuno canario 

      Lorenzo, M.; Fresno Baquero, M.R.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Molina, P.; Reig, M.; Darmanin, N.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      The Cattle census of the Canary Islands is about 20500 animals, of this the Canary Creole Cattle Breed is only the 15.8 p.100. The other part of the census is formed by another selected breeds for milk production. Until ...
    • Programa de gestión genética del caballo 

      Vega-Pla, J.L.; Vallecillo, A.; Cabello, A.; Rodríguez de la Borbolla, A.; León Jurado, J.M.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2005)
      The Hispano-Arabe horse breed could be considered as a synthetic breed formed in Spain at least two centuries ago, because the farmer intention of create a breed for working and sport according the necessities of the epoch. ...
    • Programa de reproducción asistida en la raza ovina segureña 

      Puntas, J.; Cabello, A.; Vallecillo, A.; García, G.; Barba Capote, C.J.; León Jurado, J.M.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2005)
      The results of the assisted reproduction program by means of the artificial insemination using fresh semen obtained in the ram centre of the National Association of Breeders of the Segureña Sheep (ANCOS) are shown. The ...
    • Proliferación de las células no neuronales del ganglio ciliar en cultivos in vitro 

      Padilla-Alvarez, F.; Alcaín Tejada, F.J.; Bustos Ruiz, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1981)
      In our investigations, non-neuron cells from ciliary ganglion of chick embryos (8 days-old), were cultured on tissue culture plastic dis¬hes, using as culture media heart-conditioned medium (HCM), HCM supple¬mented "with ...
    • Propuesta de clasificación de canales de bovinos de raza retinta charolés x retinto 

      Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Jodral Gutiérrez, A.; Mata Moreno, C. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1988)
      This experiment was carried out on a total of 489 bovines distributed in the following way: 50 calves, 164 yearlings and 50 cows, thoroughbred Retintos, and 70 calves and 155 yearlings of Charolais x Retinto. The criteria ...
    • Propuesta de metodología para la localización de microsatélites en el genoma equino 

      Dorado, G.; Garrido, Juan J.; Andrés Cara, D.F. de; Vega-Pla, J.L. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      We present a relatively simple methodology for the detection of microsatellite sequences in partial genetic libraries in plasmids, consisting mainly in a new DNA extraction protocol and the use of a probe (TG)7T to locate ...
    • Proteolisis del queso manchego: cambios en la distribución del nitrógeno soluble 

      Marcos, A.; Mora, M. Teresa (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1982)
      During the ripening of three different series of Manchego cheese, the soluble nitrogen increased in six months to about 23 percent of total nitrogen in two of the series, and to 30 percent in the third series. About half ...
    • Proteolisis del queso manchego: caseínas y productos de degradación insolubles 

      Marcos, A.; Mora, M. Teresa (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1981)
    • Proteolisis del queso manchego: evolución de los aminoácidos libres 

      Mora, M. Teresa; Marcos, A. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1982)
      During the ripening of three diffe"rent series of Manchego cheese the evolution of free amino. acids was followed by a semiquantitative method. A total of 13-14 free amino acids were identified. Total free amino acids ...
    • Proteolisis del queso manchego: primeros polipéptidos solubles 

      Mora, M. Teresa; Marcos, A. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1981)
      Soluble nitrogen, soluble tyrosine, and soluble tryptophan were measured during the ripening of three different series of Manchego cheese. A theoretical discussion of results was made on the basis of quantitative electrophoretic ...
    • Proyecto de caracterización y conservación de la raza bovina marismeña o mostrenca 

      Quiroz, J.; Vallecillo, A.; Calderón, J.; Martínez Martínez, Amparo; Camacho Vallejo, M.E.; Cabello, A.; León Jurado, J.M.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2005)
      The Marismeña or Mostrenca cattle breed is oficially recognized as autochthonous Spanish breed of special protection in the Spanish catalogue of livestock breeds. Presently, farmers, technicians and scientifics have ...
    • Quimerismos celulares 60,XX159,XY t I/29 y 59,XX t I/291 60,XY en el ganado vacuno retinto 

      Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Moreno-Millán, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992)
      In a cytogenetic screening of Retinta breed cattle, with the aim to determine the presence and incidence of the 1/29 Robertsonian translocation, some cases of leucocitary chimerism and the 1/29 translocation were observed, ...
    • La raça equina autóctone Puro Sangue Lusitano: estudo genético dos parâmetros reprodutivos de importância nos esquemas de conservaçao e melhoramento 

      Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Oom, M.M.; Esteves, L.; Valera Córdoba, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000)
      The age of the first suckling bounds the beginning of its reproductive life, as well as the age at the last suckling bounds its end. The reproductive average life is stricken by establishing the difference between these ...
    • RAEA–Helicicultura: herramienta de conservación y desarrollo rural en Andalucía 

      Mayoral, A.G.; Valerio, Daniel; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Camacho Vallejo, M.E.; Martín, R. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)
      The fast growth system is a snail rearing method with a high degree of technification. Actually, the experimental evaluation of the system is being developed by an Andalusian Network of Agrarian Research (RAEA-Heliciculture) ...