Now showing items 1-10 of 39
Avance al estudio de un basurero de cerámica tardía en el entorno del Templo Romano de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)
In the archaeological campaign carried out at Calle María Cristina in Córdoba, behind the Great Roman Temple, a series of stratigraphic items were unearthed in 1994 and 1995 from what formed parí of a rubbish dump. This ...
Actuaciones arqueológicas de urgencia en el extremo meridional del casco histórico de Córdoba: el sector de la Ribera
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)
They were performed in a sector of Colonia Patricia, up to now very little known, to be exact, between Cruz del Rastro and Puerta del Puente. These results allow to approach the characteristics study of that urban sector ...
La villa romana de Santa Rosa
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
About the end of the 3.rd century AD; at a place out of the city's bustling movement, a powerful dominus planed his own house, taking a great care over it: He chose a distant but easy to approach building site, surrounded ...
Un ejemplo de los usos y costumbres funerarias de la Córdoba romana a través de un conjunto de tumbas de la necrópolis de la Avenida del Corregidor (Córdoba)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2004)
For the reason to install a woste water’s sewer in the Corregidor Avenue, an area in the southwestern cementery of the Colonia Patricia has been documented. Has been exhumed seventy five buries between heartless and ...
Una aportación a las necrópolis tardorromanas de Corduba: el sector funerario de la calle Lucano nº 7 y 9 de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)
In this work we expose the preliminary results about the finding of a Late Roman sector pertaining to the Eastern necropolis oí Corduba. This new discovery confirms the importance and the expansion of necropolis Roman ...
La cristianización de la topografía funeraria en las ciudades occidentales: Corduba en la Antigüedad Tardía
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2006)
In questo articolo vedremo come i dati archeologici odierni ci permettono analizzare l’evoluzione delle areae cimiteriali di Corduba nella Tarda Antichità, un processo nel qualle l’espansione del Cristianesimo e la ...
Epígrafes inéditos de la Necrópolis Septentrional de Colonia Patricia Corduba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2004)
In this paper we analyze some unplublised epigrasphs, which complete the funerary view of the Septentrional sector of the city. Two of them coming from the Arqeoologic Area of Cercadilla, where as another one is a reused ...
Un hallazgo metálico del vicus occidental de la Colonia patricia
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
This article analyses the discovery of two metal pieces taken from the east vicus of Corduba. One is a urnula and the other a Iucerna. The latter is of a type known in the roman world, of which there are examples in Hispania, ...
El Vicus Occidental de Colonia Patricia, bases para su estudio: la cerámica romana
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2000)
Die hier vorliegende Arbeit, handelt über die Forschung des vicus, das in der westliche Aussenmauer der Colonia Patricia ausserhalb der Stadt liegt, anhand der Keramikanalyse. Mit dieser Forschung haben wir einen Lichtblick ...