• Aspectos biométricos de los pesos al nacimiento y destete en cerditos Large White x Landrace 

      García Cabrera, F.; Tena Andreu, S. de (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)
      The possible influence of the age of the gilt, represented by the number of births, on the average weight of suckling pigs at birth has been studied in cross breed Large White and Landrace. This coincides whith a previous ...
    • Caracteres reproductivos en vacuno frison 

      Tena Andreu, S. de (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)
      In a batch of 34 Fresian heifers integrated in the same Andalusian development, the possible influence of the age at which the animals are served for the first time over the duration of their gestation was studied. We have ...
    • Estudio de la prolificidad y viabilidad, al destete, en lechones Large White x Pietrain 

      Lancho de León, G.; Porras Castillo, A.; García Cabrera, F.; Tena Andreu, S. de (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)
      In a trial with pigs, being reared intensively, with 60 Large White breeding females and one male Pietrain, the prolificity and viability of their piglets was kept under observation, on weaning, during the first five ...
    • Sexo y estación del parto en porcinos 

      Porras Castillo, A.; Tena Andreu, S. de; Lancho de León, G. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)
      In a total of 713 parturitions of 324 Large White sows, 180 Landrace and 209 hybrids belonging to the same farm with intensive production, programmed to obtain uniformity of parturition throughout the all year, we have ...