Sumario de este número

ARTICLES PILAR CASTILLO BERNAL The translation of Robert Koch’s scientific articles on tuberculosis (German-Spanish) ................ 1 ENYA FERNÁNDEZ MUÑOZ Analysis of the presence of Spanish cultural aspects in American culinary language .................. 25 ZHI HUANG Focusing on Effective Translation Teachers in the Classroom ......................................... 49 PAULA MARÍA LEÓN ALONSO The nightmare before dubbing. Analysis of translation of songs intended for dubbing in animation films from Disney factory .............................................................. 75 XINYU WANG, CAIWEN WANG Can computer-assisted interpreting tools assist interpreting? ...................................... 109 KAN WU Quantitative Exploration of Attitudinal Shift in Translation: A Case of The Newcomer and its English Translations ................................................ 141 NEWS OLIVER CARREIRA MARTÍNEZ “Translatum Nostrum – Cultural melting at the Mediterranean” ....................................... 167 SELENE MUÑOZ MUÑOZ, Mª ÁNGELES DELGADO GÓMEZ El Ojo de Polisemo XI. Libros con imágenes: traducir más que palabras. Review of all the talks of the congress ............................................................ 171 JUAN YBORRA GOLPE, SILVIA FERNÁNDEZ ARENAS V TRADUMA: a summary ............................................................................... 179 RESEÑAS MARÍA DEL CARMEN LÓPEZ RUIZ Nuevos estudios sobre traducción para el ámbito institucional y comercial New approaches to translation in institutional and business settings ............................... 183 ROBERT SZYMYSLIK Translation, Interpreting and Intermediation in Legal and Institutional Environments ............... 191 JIANZHONG XU Translation and Dissemination of Oral Epic Gesar ................................................... 195

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