• Análisis marginal para la determinación del momento óptimo de venta en corderos manchegos cruzados 

      Zamora Lozano, Miguel; Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Vera y Vega, A.; García Arroyo, Loreto (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1977)
      To determine the optim time of sale, was analysed the marginal productivity of 258 manchega breed lambs and 78 lambs of the Suffolk x Friesian industrial cross. The rate of increment (y/x), was greater in the former group. ...
    • Aportación al conocimiento de un nuevo sistema agrario de las tierras marginales 

      Zamora Lozano, Miguel; Medina Blanco, Manuel; Barasona Mata, José (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)
      A new agricultural system, which combines culture of land hunting big wild animals of the Andalusian fauna is analysed. The estimated parameters were: meat production per hectare; some economic ratios, as profit, rentability, ...
    • Consumo de bellota por conejos en pastoreo continuo 

      Sánchez Rodríguez, M.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel; Peinado Lucena, E.; Mata Moreno, C.; Gallego Barrera, J.A. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
      The intake of acorns by rabits kept in continuous grazing in natural improved pastures placed in the Sierra of Córdoba is studied. The conclusion that acorns mean an important energetical intake in times of lack of grass ...
    • Crecimiento de gazapos lactantes en sistemas extensivos 

      Peinado Lucena, E.; López, I.; Gallego Barrera, J.A.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1987)
      A study on the growth of young lactant rabbits from mothers reared under extensive system of continuous grazing has been carried out. The results show an average litters, in spite of intensive rhythm of reproduction, of ...
    • Desarrollo del Cistus ladanifer L. tras su corte mecánico 

      Peinado Lucena, E.; Gallego Barrera, J.A.; Sánchez Rodríguez, M.; Mata Moreno, C.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
      A study on development and production of Cistus ladanifer L. has been carried out. The plants mere one and two years old. The total weight of the leaves compared to the total weight of the plant is 78 % in the first year! ...
    • La elasticidad de la actividad cinegética y sus implicaciones socio-económicas 

      Barasona Mata, José; Zamora Lozano, Miguel; Medina Blanco, Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1978)
      The elasticity of demand-resource inputs in small game is very restricted (e=0,1), only 200 pieces will meet the demand of the 85 p, c. of hunters. However big game has a higher elasticity (e=2). It is proved that there ...
    • Establecimiento de un modelo de programación lineal para ordenar cualitativamente la población de ciervos 

      Zamora Lozano, Miguel; Barasona Mata, José; Medina-Carnicer, R. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1979)
      Using linear programming the authors find the optimal structure of a population of deers having in view the requirements of hunting. Deers should be taken down when they reach their highest cynegetic value. By the end of ...
    • Hábitos alimenticios del jabalí: un condicionante para su explotación cinegética racional 

      Rodríguez Berrocal, J.; Medina Blanco, Manuel; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1982)
      Data from analysis of boar diet in Sierra Morena suggest several forms of competition with deer for secondary energy.
    • Productividad de la UTH en el desbroce de la jara negra (Cistus ladanifer) 

      Peinado Lucena, E.; Gallego Barrera, J.A.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
      The UTH productivity in the cut of the black-rose (Cistus ladanifer L.) is studied in different conditions of the brake and of the mowing machine used, obtaining 4.362"5, 2.168"75 y 1.693"75 kg per hour of actual work of ...
    • Utilización del Cistus ladaniferus L. en piensos para conejos 

      Mata Moreno, C.; Peinado Lucena, E.; Medina Blanco, Manuel; Martínez Teruel, A.; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1984)
      An experiment is carried out on the use of Cistus ladaniferus L. extracted with ,ethyl alcohol, in rabbit feed. 16 Californian breed rabbits are used. They are fed ad libitum for 30 days with a commercial feed in wich the ...