• A Multi-Omics Analysis Pipeline for the Metabolic Pathway Reconstruction in the Orphan Species Quercus ilex 

      López-Hidalgo, Cristina; Guerrero-Sánchez, Victor M.; Gómez-Gálvez, Isabel; Sánchez-Lucas, Rosa; Castillejo-Sánchez, María A.; Maldonado-Alconada, Ana M.; Valledor, Luis; Jorrín-Novo, Jesús V. (Frontiers, 2018)
      Holm oak (Quercus ilex) is the most important and representative species of the Mediterranean forest and of the Spanish agrosilvo-pastoral “dehesa” ecosystem. Despite its environmental and economic interest, Holm oak is ...
    • Advent of Genomics in Blueberry 

      Die, Jose V.; Rowland, Lisa J. (Springer, 2013)
      Blueberry is a high value crop with recognized nutritional characteristics that has lead to an increase in consumer demand over the last several years. With its increasing agricultural and commercial importance, genetic ...