• Parallel evaluation of Pittsburgh rule-based classifiers on GPUs 

      Cano, Alberto; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (2017-01-19)
      Individuals from Pittsburgh rule-based classifiers represent a complete solution to the classification problem and each individual is a variable-length set of rules. Therefore, these systems usually demand a high level ...
    • Parallelization Strategies for Markerless Human Motion Capture 

      Cano, Alberto; Yeguas-Bolívar, Enrique; Medina-Carnicer, R.; Ventura Soto, S.; Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael (2015-10-15)
      Markerless Motion Capture (MMOCAP) is the problem of determining the pose of a person from images captured by one or several cameras simultaneously without using markers on the subject. Evaluation of the solutions is ...
    • Programa COINCIDENTE: el proyecto MANPREDIC 

      Ventura Soto, S. (Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de la Investigación, 2019)
    • Reducing gaps in quantitative association rules: A genetic programming free-parameter algorithm 

      Luna, J.M.; Romero, J.R.; Romero Morales, C.; Ventura Soto, S. (IOS Press, 2014)
      The extraction of useful information for decision making is a challenge in many different domains. Association rule mining is one of the most important techniques in this field, discovering relationships of interest among ...
    • Scalable CAIM Discretization on Multiple GPUs Using Concurrent Kernels 

      Cano, Alberto; Ventura Soto, S.; Cios, Krzysztof J. (2017)
      CAIM(Class-Attribute InterdependenceMaximization) is one of the stateof- the-art algorithms for discretizing data for which classes are known. However, it may take a long time when run on high-dimensional large-scale ...
    • Sistema de consulta de notas a través de Páginas Web y de Telefonía Móvil 

      Cava Jiménez, David; Romero Morales, C.; Cruz Soto, José Luis; Ventura Soto, S. (Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2005)
      In this paper we are going to present a system which lets any student at Cordoba University knows what the final qualifications he has obtained in the different subjects he is registered are. The sytem lets him consult the ...
    • Sistemas de evaluación de los alumnos mediante test informatizados utilizando telefonía móvil 

      Gálvez Espinal, C.; Ventura Soto, S.; Romero Morales, C. (Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2007)
      This paper describes a system for executing adaptive tests in mobile devices. Tests are generated in XML files using Test Editor that is a author tool integrated in AHA! system. These tests are interpreted by our system ...
    • Speeding Up Evolutionary Learning Algorithms using GPUs 

      Cano, Alberto; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (ESTYLF, 2010)
      This paper propose a multithreaded Genetic Programming classi cation evaluation model using NVIDIA CUDA GPUs to reduce the computational time due to the poor perfor- mance in large problems. Two di erent clas- si ...
    • Speeding up Multiple Instance Learning Classification Rules on GPUs 

      Cano, Alberto; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (2017)
      Multiple instance learning is a challenging task in supervised learning and data mining. How- ever, algorithm performance becomes slow when learning from large-scale and high-dimensional data sets. Graphics processing ...
    • Subgroup Discovery in MOOCs: A Big Data Application for Describing Different Types of Learners 

      Luna, J.M.; Fardoun, H.M.; Padillo, Francisco; Romero Morales, C.; Ventura Soto, S. (Taylor & Francis, 2019)
      The aim of this paper is to categorize and describe di erent types of learners in mas- sive open online courses (MOOCs) by means of a subgroup discovery approach based on MapReduce. The nal objective is to discover ...
    • ur-CAIM: Improved CAIM Discretization for Unbalanced and Balanced Data 

      Cano, Alberto; Nguyen, Dat T.; Ventura Soto, S.; Cios, Krzysztof J. (2015-10-15)
      Supervised discretization is one of basic data preprocessing techniques used in data mining. CAIM (Class- Attribute InterdependenceMaximization) is a discretization algorithm of data for which the classes are known. ...