Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Sistema de consulta de notas a través de Páginas Web y de Telefonía Móvil 

      Cava Jiménez, David; Romero Morales, C.; Cruz Soto, José Luis; Ventura Soto, S. (Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2005)
      In this paper we are going to present a system which lets any student at Cordoba University knows what the final qualifications he has obtained in the different subjects he is registered are. The sytem lets him consult the ...
    • Sistemas de evaluación de los alumnos mediante test informatizados utilizando telefonía móvil 

      Gálvez Espinal, C.; Ventura Soto, S.; Romero Morales, C. (Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2007)
      This paper describes a system for executing adaptive tests in mobile devices. Tests are generated in XML files using Test Editor that is a author tool integrated in AHA! system. These tests are interpreted by our system ...