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Recent Submissions
Dendrochronological Analysis of Pinus pinea in Central Chile and South Spain for Sustainable Forest Management
(MDPI, 2024)Pinus pinea is an important Mediterranean species due to its adaptability and tolerance to aridity and its high-quality pine nuts. Different forest types located in Mediterranean native and nonnative environments provide ... -
Evolution and Paradigm Shift in Forest Health Research: A Review on of Global Trends and Knowledge Gaps
(MDPI, 2024)Forest health is an attractive concept in forestry research, which environmental, social, and political interests have shaped. Assessing forest health is crucial, but finding a single definition of the concept is complex. ... -
Cover Crop Effects on Surface Runoff and Subsurface Flow in Rainfed Hillslope Farming and Connections to Water Quality
(MDPI, 2024)Surface runoff and subsurface flow patterns were monitored in hillside runoff plots in almond and olive orchards with soils covered with spontaneous plants over two hydrological years. The experimental runoff plots were ... -
Fragmentation and Connectivity in dehesa Ecosystems Associated with Cerambyx spp. Dispersion and Control: A Graph-Theory Approach
(MDPI, 2024)Xylophagous insects play a crucial role in forest ecosystems, contributing to population dynamics. The “Cerambyx complex” (CC) constitutes an emerging pest in Mediterranean oak woodlands. We studied the fragmentation and ... -
Integrating dendrochronological and LiDAR data to improve management of Pinus canariensis forests under different thinning and climatic scenarios
(MDPI, 2024)Thinning focused on achieving growth and diameter management objectives has typically led to stands with reduced climate sensitivity compared to unthinned stands. We integrated dendrochronological with Airborne Laser Scanner ...