Pet Behaviour Science publishes original papers relating to all aspects of the behaviour of pets, including their relationships with humans. It is free of charge for both authors and readers. This is an international and multidisciplinary open access journal. As a multidisciplinary journal, Pet Behaviour Science welcomes submissions from the arts and humanities, behavioural and biological sciences, cognitive science, social sciences and the health sciences. Topics covered include:

Behavioural genetics

Behavioural psychology

Behavioural physiology





Evolution of behaviour

Human-animal relationship and/or their mutual consequences



Problem solving

Pet management and welfare

Sensory and perceptual processes

Social behaviour

Social cognition


The principal subjects are dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and any other animal species when cared for as pets, or animals belonging to these species but which are not used as pets, such as laboratory dogs, when the results could be interesting for their conspecifics as pets.

ISSN: 2445-2874

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