
Sumario de este número

IRINA GOLUBEVA, MARIE-FRANCE MAILHOS Special Issue ‘Challenges of 21st Century Education in Europe’. Guest editors’ note.................5 IRIS WEBER, RICHARD KÖTTER The EU “live” in civic education: to experience and understand the European Union in-situ: a model for and experiences from political excursions and thematic seminars to and in Brussels..................................................................................7 FABRICE FRESSE, LUCINDA MORGAN L’interculturalisation des parcours professionnels comme processus d’incarnation de l'education interculturelle. L’exemple du Transatlantic Educators Dialogue..........................33 BERNARD HUGONNIER Education et démocracie.............................................................................39 MARIE-FRANCE MAILHOS Developper des competences civiques: un jeu de piste dans les champs disciplinaires.................45 ANATOLII LIFEROV, LYDIA KOSTIKOVA Russian higher education meeting challenges of 21st century labour market...........................51 NELLY GUET Comment développer les nouvelles compétences devenues indispensables au 21ème siècle................59

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