• Caracterización genética del jabalí de la Estación Biológica de Doñana 

      Gortázar, Christian; Martínez Martínez, Amparo; Vega-Pla, J.L.; García-Aznar Navajas, J.M.; Landi, Vincenzo; Negro, J.J.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011)
      The wild boar, a cinegetic species of Iberian Peninsula, has numerous sub-populations of Sus scrofa mediterraneus. Doñana National Park is the most important biological reserves in Spain and the largest protected area with ...
    • Diversidad genética de la raza equina marismeña 

      Martínez Martínez, Amparo; Nogales Baena, Sergio; Landi, Vincenzo; Vega-Pla, J.L.; Pablo Gómez, Montserrat; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (2015-10-15)
      Marismeño horse, is a Spanish equine breed threatened with extinction located almost exclusively at the Espacio Natural de Doñana, a protected area (Natural and National Park), at the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. ...
    • Genetic characterization of Appenninica sheep breed by microsatellites 

      Lasagna, Emiliano; Landi, Vincenzo; Bianchi, Matteo; Martínez Martínez, Amparo; Sarti, Francesca Maria (Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali, 2009)
      The conservation of genetic variability is one of the main objectives in the field of genetics applied to domestic livestock. A strong input in that direction was made by molecular biology techniques. Among molecular ...
    • Genetic diversity and relationships among Italian Merino derived breeds assessed by microsatellites 

      Ceccobelli, Simone; Lasagna, Emiliano; Landi, Vincenzo; Martínez Martínez, Amparo; Sarti, Francesca Maria (Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali, 2009)
      The conservation of genetic variability is one of the main objectives in the field of genetics applied to domestic livestock. Among molecular markers, microsatellites are particularly appreciated and widely utilized for ...
    • Resultados del control de filiación en la raza ovina Segureña 

      Martínez Martínez, Amparo; Puntas, J.A.; Vega-Pla, J.L.; Landi, Vincenzo; García, G.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Ganado Selecto, 2007)