Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Prevalence and factors associated with sexual dysfunction in brazilian women: a cross-sectional study 

      Feroldi Fabricio, Amanda Magdalena; Oliveira Sato, Tatiana; Gomes da Silva, Stéfany; Garçoni Poli, Giovana; Araujo Silva, Clara Maria de; Carreira Moreira Padovez, Roberta de Fátima; Rodrigues-de-Souza, Daiana Priscila; Driusso, Patricia; Sartorato Beleza, Ana Carolina (SpringerLink, 2023)
      Introduction and hypothesis Changes in the mechanisms that modulate sexual response can contribute to the development of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Although the prevalence of FSD in Brazil has been established, its ...