Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Computational Model for the Dynamic Characterisation of a Trunk Shaker 

      Sánchez Cachinero, Pedro; Luque-Mohedano, Rafael; Sola Guirado, Rafael Rubén (MDPI, 2022)
      The development of trunk shaker machines over the years has been based on test-error methods in field. Mathematical or computational models have been studied with great simplifications. This paper presents a method for ...
    • Data-Driven Simulator: Redesign of Chickpea Harvester Reels 

      Golpira, Hiwa; Sola Guirado, Rafael Rubén (MDPI, 2022)
      Conventional redesign methodologies applied on the grain harvester headers for the mechanical harvesting of chickpeas cause its progress to not be as rapid and technological. This paper presents a hybrid modeling-optimization ...
    • Estimation of the Cooling Rate of Six Olive Cultivars Using Thermal Imaging 

      Plasquy, Eddy; García, José M.; Florido, María C.; Sola Guirado, Rafael Rubén (MDPI, 2021)
      Bringing the olive harvest period forward leads to storing fruit in field temperatures that risk jeopardizing its quality. Knowledge about the bio-thermal characteristics of olives is crucial when considering their cooling, ...
    • Machine to machine connections for integral management of the olive production 

      Bayano Tejero, Sergio; Sola Guirado, Rafael Rubén; Gil Ribes, Jesús; Blanco Roldán, Gregorio L. (Elsevier, 2019)
      Most of the advances made in olive traceability are focusing on the arrival of the fruit to industry but it is necessary to manage all the operations involved in the production chain. This work introduces a new ...
    • La maqueta como herramienta de aprendizaje para desarrollo de maquinaria agrícola 

      Sola Guirado, Rafael Rubén; Gil Ribes, Jesús; Agüera Vega, Juan; Castro García, Sergio; González Sánchez, Emilio Jesús; Blanco Roldán, Gregorio L. (UCOPress, 2019)
      Se propone la introducción de un ejercicio basado en proyectos en la asignatura de “Diseño de maquinaria agraria. Automática agraria”. Para resolver el problema los alumnos han de pasar por todas las fases de las metodologías ...