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Articles MANUEL BOTERO CAMACHO The Romantic Concealment of Desire: Coleridge’s and Wordsworth’s Poetic Voices .................... 5 ALIERZA KARGAR, MAHNOOSH VAHDATI, HASSAN ABOOTALEBI Relief in Ignorance, Shattered Subjectivity: A Lacanian Reading of Subjectivity in Anton Chekhov’s “The Bet” ..................................................................... 29 ÁNGEL JACINTO TRAVER VERA El Epicureísmo de Pío Baroja ..................................................................... 43 ZAHRA NAZERMI, HOSSEIN ALIAKBARI HAREHDASHT, ABDOLMOHAMMAD MOVAHHED Trans-Mediation of Gender in Elia Kazan’s Adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire ................. 63 WEINPANGA ABOUDOULAYE ANDOU Le mythe de l’enfant dans Douze contes vagabonds de Gabriel García Márquez ....................... 79 Interview GABRIEL LAGUNA MARISCAL Entrevista a Lorenzo Silva: “Todos mis libros aúnan invención e investigación" ................... 97

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