• Análisis de los factores que afectan a la curva de crecimiento del ganado vacuno retinto hasta el destete 

      Berlanga García, M.E.; Luque Moya, A.J.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Jiménez Fernández, J.M.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      A study was made of the growth of Retinto beef cattle through analysis of factors affecting the characteristic linear growth curve of this breed in its developmental environment. By addressing these factors, growth and ...
    • Análisis del flujo de sementales retintos 

      Valera Córdoba, M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      In Retinto Beef cattle breeding, a series of farms have stood out as leaders in animal production in the supply of sires to other farms. In this paper we have made an analysis of these outstanding farms in order to study ...
    • Análisis genético de los niveles de consanguinidad en la raza retinta 

      Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Valera Córdoba, M.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      Within the improvement plan, inbreeding crosses may prove to be a tool that the Retinto cattle breeder might use along with selection to increase the genetic merits of his breed. The majority of breeders know the effects ...
    • Circunferencia escrotal como predictor de la capacidad reproductiva en razas de vacuno de carne autóctono: curvas de crecimiento en el vacuno retinto 

      Valera Córdoba, M.; Jiménez, J.M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Delgado, C.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000)
      In beef cattle it is estimated that quantitative performance of production, as growth or weight in the animals, are ten times less important than the reproductive performance in terms of relative economic value. Within ...
    • Estimación de la curva de crecimiento en vacuno retinto desde el nacimiento hasta el destete 

      Luque Moya, A.J.; Berlanga García, M.E.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Salado de la Torre, F.; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      Several growth equations exist according to different approaches of authors that have studied this matter, but practically all coincide, on analyzing the growth up to mature age, that the curve acquires a sigmoid form; ...
    • Experiencias sobre inseminación artificial en hembras bovinas retintas tras tratamientos estimuladores de celo 

      Salado de la Torre, F.; Jiménez Fernández, J.M.; Pérez Gómez, J.M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      We have realised artificial insemination oí 877 females of the Retinto cattle breed. Previously we applied three different treatments for estrus stimulation. The first and the second were induction treatments, with Syncro-Mate ...
    • Factores que afectan a la edad al primer parto en el ganado vacuno de raza retinta 

      Tapia Román, N.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Muñoz Vilches, P. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      It is posible to get an increase of reproductive efficiency by decreasing age at first calving. In this study we show the influence of some enviromental factors that affect this parameter in Retinto cattle. 1786 first ...
    • Factores que afectan a los parámetros reproductivos en el ganado vacuno de la raza retinta: duración de la gestación 

      Pastor Fernández, J.M.; Jiménez Fernández, J.M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      This work studies the influence of some factors affecting the gestation lenght in Retinto beef cattle. The average duration of the gestation was estimated in 287.97 days, with an standard error of 0.24, and a variation ...
    • Factores que afectan al intervalo entre partos en la raza retinta 

      Muñoz Vilches, P.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Tapia Román, N. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      The main objective of beef cattle improvement is greater profitability on farms. For this, the optimization of reproductive behavior is essential. In the present paper we have made an analysis of the average calving interval ...
    • Tipología de los sistemas de producción de engorde bovino en la Pampa argentina 

      García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Pamio, J.; Valerio, Daniel; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Martos Peinado, José; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Castaldo, Ariel Osvaldo (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
      The objective of the study is the identification and classification of production systems for bovine fattening in pastoral conditions in the semiarid Argentine Pampa called invernada, taking in account their physical, ...