• El inicio de los contactos fenicios en el Bajo Guadalquivir 

      Mancebo Dávalos, Julián (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1995)
      The main fossil which has directed the phoenician presence in the "Península Ibérica" lately, has been the identification of wheel-made elements in the deeper levels of the stratigraphic soundings made in these sites. ...
    • Montemolin: Evolución del asentamiento durante el Bronce Final y el período Orientalizante (Campañas de 1980 y 1981) 

      Ferrer Albelda, Eduardo; Bandera Romero, M.L. de la; Chaves Tristán, Francisca; Oria Segura, Mercedes; Mancebo Dávalos, Julián; García Vargas, Enrique (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1993)
      This paper attempts the study of the evolution of Montemolin's settlement, showing the stratigraphic secuence and the changes made in buildings as well as in pottery during the Late Bronze Age and the Orientalizing Period.