• Algunas consideraciones acerca de Eliberri en época tardoantigua 

      Román Punzón, Julio M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      The importance of the roman city Eliberri of Hispania during Late Antiquity is well documented. It was located, from the conclusive Gomez-Moreno's study in the current distriet of Albaicin. In this area some findings allow ...
    • Los estudios sobre las villas romanas de Andalucía 

      Carrillo Díaz-Pines, José Ramón (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1993)
      With this paper, we seek review the studies concerning the Roman villas of Andalucia, placing them in a wider historiographical context, showing its major lacks and the numerous faults that can be looked in them. At the ...
    • La importación de mármol en la Villa romana de Els Münts (Altafulla, Tarragona) 

      Otiña Hermoso, Pedro (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)
      This work wants to show the evidence of marble material in the Roman villa of Els Munts (Altafulla). This study comes from a previous work devoted to the archaeological materials' revision found during the excavations ...
    • El opus sectile de la villa de Santa Rosa, Córdoba 

      Gutiérrez Deza, María Isabel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      During the archaeological intevention developed in terrains adjacents to Algarrobo, 4-6-8-10 and Cronista Rey Diaz, 3 streets, was documented a suburban villa in a very good conservation state, regarding to pavements above ...
    • El sector septentrional de la villa romana de Santa Rosa 

      Salinas Villegas, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      In the following pages we will shed light on the preliminary results obtained from the archacological rescue escavation in La Manzana de Banesto (Santa Rosa, Córdoba), corresponding to the northern sector of a suburban ...
    • Técnicas constructivas en las villas romanas de Andalucía 

      Carrillo Díaz-Pines, José Ramón (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1992)
      In this paper we analyze the building techniques in Roman villas excavated in Andalucia, a subject wich has never been studied in depth in spite of its relevance. Roman villas are, over other aspects, architectural ensembles. ...