Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa. Vol. 10 (1999)
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Los castillos en el reino de Córdoba: revisión historiográfica y perspectivas actuales
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1999)After a historiographical survey of the most relevant authors who have dealt with fortifications in the Late Medieval Kingdom of Cordoba ( Spain ), we have tried to establish an evolution in the different ways of approaching ... -
Les Ludi Circenses dans les mosaïques de l'Occident romain, Afrique exceptee
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1999)Une mosaïque bichrome illustrant les ludi circenses, découverte dans le Palazzo Imperiale d'Ostie en 1988 n'a pas fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée, á ce jour. Six cochers sont accompagnés d' inscriptions donnant leur nom ... -
Togati con aquila
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1999)The article examines a Julio-Claudian iconographic type attested by three sculptures, each representing a togated headless man with an eagle at his feet. The first is preserved in the Dutch Institute of Rome: its findspot ... -
Committenze e monumenti funerari nella Hispania Tarraconensis
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1999)Il presente articolo muove dal considerare il monumento funerario romano nella sua qualitá di grande depositario e trasmettitore di messaggi individuali e dunque inteso come campo d'indagine privilegiato della societá che ... -
Nuevos datos sobre la ciudad de Lancia (Villasabariego, León, España)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1999)The paper analyze the new developments in the investigation of the site of the City preRoman and Roman of Lancia, in Villasabariego (León, Spain), in the light of the new finding as well as of the new view of certain ...