Now showing items 1-5 of 13

    • Los Hermas en el Mundo Clásico: estado actual de la cuestión 

      Peña Jurado, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2000)
      We present in this paper a critical review of the bibliography concerning the study of herms, from which we will can establish the main evolutive lines in the pro-duction of these monuments, from their origin in late archaic ...
    • El Vicus Occidental de Colonia Patricia, bases para su estudio: la cerámica romana 

      Vargas Cantos, Sonia (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2000)
      Die hier vorliegende Arbeit, handelt über die Forschung des vicus, das in der westliche Aussenmauer der Colonia Patricia ausserhalb der Stadt liegt, anhand der Keramikanalyse. Mit dieser Forschung haben wir einen Lichtblick ...
    • La evolución de la cerámica medieval de Cercadilla, Córdoba. Estado de la cuestión. 

      Fuertes Santos, Camino (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2000)
      In this paper we intend to offer an overview of the formal evolution of some of de pottery series from the archaeological site of Cercadilla. With this, we have let es-tablished some of the keys that allow us to frame ...
    • Arqueología urbana en Huelva. Las últimas evidencias 

      Campos Carrasco, Juan M.; Gómez, Francisco (Gómez Toscano) (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2000)
      Archaeological research in Huelva has been mainly focused to Tartesian period, for which the evidence of the site as a whole was practicaly unknowm. In this paper, based on the evidence obtained in many archaeological works ...
    • La ciudad romana de Turobriga. Un modelo urbano en los Llanos de Aroche (Huelva) 

      Pérez Macías, Juan Aurelio; Vidal Teruel, Nuria de la O; Campos Carrasco, Juan M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2000)
      The roman Turobriga, although known by scientists in the middle of 60's, until 1996 no archaeological excavations were conducted therein. As from said year several papers and reports have been issued of diverse field works ...