Now showing items 7-18 of 18

    • Más sobre epigrafía nazarí y meriní a partir de la lápida de Cañete de las Torres conservada en el Museo Arqueológico de Córdoba 

      Martínez Enamorado, Virgilio (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      Around the 50's or 60's from the last century it was found two smalls fragments engraved of a arabic headstone in Cañete de las Torres (Córdoba, south of Spain). The epitaphy probably belongs to the son of the Merini sultan, ...
    • Los molinos islámicos del Arenal de la Fuensanta 

      Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio; González Vírseda, Marina L. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      This article brings to ligiht details of the mills which have been restored at Arenal de la Fuensanta. Both buildings have a long history during which they have undergone several transformations. However, their origin is ...
    • El Murallón de San Julián 

      León Pastor, Enrique (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      This article piclis up the data obtained in the archaeological intervention practised in the Guadalquivir River's Balcony. These performance broright to light one of the first substructures planned by the urban settlement ...
    • Nuevo enterramiento en sarcófago de plomo en Colonia patricia Corduba 

      Muñoz Matute, Inmaculada; García Matamala, Begoña; Martín Urdiroz, Inmaculada; Moreno Romero, Lucía Esther; Guijo Mauri, Juan Manuel; Lacalle Rodríguez, Raquel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      In the present study we report the results obtained in the Archarchaeological Supervision we have performed while remodelling of steeled was done in Avenida Gran Vía Parque. Showed data are focused on a study of the funeral ...
    • Nuevos datos sobre el comercio de nieve en Córdoba 

      Pizarro Berengena, Guadalupe (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      Sebbene Córdoba sia una delle cittá piu calide della Peninsola Iberica, non si conosceva la esistenza di commercio di ghiaccio e neve nei secoli passati. Anche se questo tema era gia stato tratatto in uno articolo in cui ...
    • El opus sectile de la villa de Santa Rosa, Córdoba 

      Gutiérrez Deza, María Isabel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      During the archaeological intevention developed in terrains adjacents to Algarrobo, 4-6-8-10 and Cronista Rey Diaz, 3 streets, was documented a suburban villa in a very good conservation state, regarding to pavements above ...
    • Una placa-nicho cordobesa de prototipo emeritense 

      Bermúdez Cano, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      Dans cette étude nous allons analyser I'origine iconographique et la fonction liturgique d'un modele de plaque niche. Cette analyse va se centrer à comparer una píese du Musée Visigoth de San Vicente qui se trouve á la ...
    • El saneamiento en las ciudades andalusíes 

      Reklaityte, Ieva (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      The aim of this article is to discuss the organization of the evacuation of waste water in the towns of al-Andalus. The escavations carried out and historical data show the different solutions that were present in the ...
    • El sector septentrional de la villa romana de Santa Rosa 

      Salinas Villegas, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      In the following pages we will shed light on the preliminary results obtained from the archacological rescue escavation in La Manzana de Banesto (Santa Rosa, Córdoba), corresponding to the northern sector of a suburban ...
    • La via sepulchralis occidental: un ejemplo de monumentalización funeraria en colonia patricia 

      Ruiz Osuna, Ana B. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      Abordamos en este trabajo una revisión del cosídetto "Camino Viejo de Almodóvar", sector funerario perteneciente a la Necrópolis Occidental de la Córdoba romana, que se configuró como una auténtica vía sepulchralis de gran ...
    • Vidrio romano en un sector de la necrópolis septentrional de Colonia patricia 

      Salinas Villegas, José Manuel; Salinas Pleguezuelo, Elena (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      In this article we present a collection of roman glass objects which form part of' the funerary offerings of various tombs discovered in a section of the Northern necropolis of Colonia Patricia, which was excavated during ...
    • La villa romana de Santa Rosa 

      Penco Valenzuela, Rocío (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      About the end of the 3.rd century AD; at a place out of the city's bustling movement, a powerful dominus planed his own house, taking a great care over it: He chose a distant but easy to approach building site, surrounded ...