Mostrando ítems 11-15 de 18

    • Algunas consideraciones acerca de Eliberri en época tardoantigua 

      Román Punzón, Julio M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      The importance of the roman city Eliberri of Hispania during Late Antiquity is well documented. It was located, from the conclusive Gomez-Moreno's study in the current distriet of Albaicin. In this area some findings allow ...
    • Un hallazgo metálico del vicus occidental de la Colonia patricia 

      Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio; González Vírseda, Marina L. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      This article analyses the discovery of two metal pieces taken from the east vicus of Corduba. One is a urnula and the other a Iucerna. The latter is of a type known in the roman world, of which there are examples in Hispania, ...
    • El opus sectile de la villa de Santa Rosa, Córdoba 

      Gutiérrez Deza, María Isabel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      During the archaeological intevention developed in terrains adjacents to Algarrobo, 4-6-8-10 and Cronista Rey Diaz, 3 streets, was documented a suburban villa in a very good conservation state, regarding to pavements above ...
    • El sector septentrional de la villa romana de Santa Rosa 

      Salinas Villegas, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      In the following pages we will shed light on the preliminary results obtained from the archacological rescue escavation in La Manzana de Banesto (Santa Rosa, Córdoba), corresponding to the northern sector of a suburban ...
    • La villa romana de Santa Rosa 

      Penco Valenzuela, Rocío (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      About the end of the 3.rd century AD; at a place out of the city's bustling movement, a powerful dominus planed his own house, taking a great care over it: He chose a distant but easy to approach building site, surrounded ...