Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Peroxiredoxin 6 Down-Regulation Induces Metabolic Remodeling and Cell Cycle Arrest in HepG2 Cells 

      López-Grueso, María José; Tarradas Valero, Rosa María; Carmona Hidalgo, Beatriz; Lagal, Daniel J.; Peinado, José; McDonagh, B.; Requejo Aguilar, Raquel; Bárcena Ruiz, José Antonio; Padilla C., Alicia (MDPI, 2019)
      Peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6) is the only member of 1-Cys subfamily of peroxiredoxins in human cells. It is the only Prdx acting on phospholipid hydroperoxides possessing two additional sites with phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and ...