• Caracterización genética de ganado bovino criollo argentino utilizando microsatélites 

      Género, Enrique Rubén; Vega-Pla, J.L.; Rumiano, F.J.; Zamorano Serrano, M.J.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      It is characterized a sample of Bovino Criollo Argentino cattle with a panel of eight microsatellites. It is detected a number of alleles between 2 and 7. The values of Heterocigosity by locus are between 0.46 for HEL-1 ...
    • Estudio citogenético del ganado bovino Criollo Argentino biotipo Patagónico 

      Género, Enrique Rubén; Rumiano, F.J.; Moreno-Millán, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999)
      Twenty five animals belonging to the Argentinian Creole breed cattle Patagonic biotype, biotype originated only by the natural selection by the reasons of geographical isolation, were cytogenetically studied. The analized ...