• Comparación de tres parámetros que expresan la relación consumo de leche, crecimiento en peso vivo en corderos de raza merina campiñesa 

      Aparicio Ruiz, F. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)
      During four weeks the milk intake and daily weight gains in sixteen male lambs of the Merina campinesa breed were studied. The following conclusions can be appointed: a) The transformation index and linear regresion index ...
    • Crecimiento de gazapos lactantes en sistemas extensivos 

      Peinado Lucena, E.; López, I.; Gallego Barrera, J.A.; Zamora Lozano, Miguel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1987)
      A study on the growth of young lactant rabbits from mothers reared under extensive system of continuous grazing has been carried out. The results show an average litters, in spite of intensive rhythm of reproduction, of ...
    • Crecimiento en cabritos de raza murciana-granadina 

      Herrera García, M.; Fuentes García, F.; Gonzalo Abascal, C.; Quiles Sotillo, A.; Escobar Sánchez, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1988)
      The variations suffered in weight, height to the withers, breats-bone dorsal diameter, longitudinal diameter and metatarsal perimeter have been analyzed in 33 kids (16 males and 17 females), of the Murciana-Granadina breed ...
    • Efecto de la adición de carbonato cálcico en la dieta de helix aspersa müller 

      Delgado, M.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Mayoral, A.G.; Martín, R.; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)
      In this paper is studied the effect of calcium carbonate addition to diet on growth, mortality rate and feed intake of snails Helix aspersa Müller during the juvenile stage under laboratory conditions. Two treatments have ...
    • Efectos de la suplementación mineral, a libre disposición, en los corderos 

      Rodríguez Lozano, J.; Vera y Vega, A.; Forcada Miranda, F. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1987)
      Effect on growth, feed conversion rate and dressing percentage were tested in groups of 12 lambs, lot—fed on the same concentrate ration containing 14.1% C.P. Experimental groups had free access to mineral supplements (50% ...
    • El peso del conejo de monte criado en jaula 

      González-Redondo, P. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1997)
      Live weights of 19 wild rabbits (Orycrolagus cuniculus) reared in cages were measured and compared to the expected weights according to the growth curve followed by the wild rabbits growing in a natural environment. The ...