Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa. Vol. 13/14 (2002-03)
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La Calahorra, o el puente fortificado de Córdoba en época califal
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)The Calahorra fortress, which is situated at the head of Cordoba's principal bridge, is a complex building which was subject to successive additions and reforms throughout the medieval ages. Our study will define the ... -
Una aportación a las necrópolis tardorromanas de Corduba: el sector funerario de la calle Lucano nº 7 y 9 de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)In this work we expose the preliminary results about the finding of a Late Roman sector pertaining to the Eastern necropolis oí Corduba. This new discovery confirms the importance and the expansion of necropolis Roman ... -
Dos antiguos hallazgos de terracotas figuradas en ambientes funerarios de Corduba: Revisión historiográfica, análisis inconográfico y nueva propuestas de interpretación
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)Review of two relevant groups of shaped terracottas recovered in relation to two other burials at Corduba Nothern NEcropolis and their interpretation within the wider framework that this type of productions shows in Hispania ... -
Rituales funerarios ibéricos en la necrópolis fundacional de Valentia
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)This paper highlights some aspects of one of the funerary phases of the Román cemetery of Quart Street in Valencia (2 nd - cent. BC to 4 th - cent. AD). This funerary ensemble is the most ancient and longest in Valencia ... -
Enterramientos de tradición indígena en Corduba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)The topic of the essay is a brief summary about Corduba indigenous burial showing our outcomes and conclusions. According to the revision of the information obtained from the special delivery archaeological works. Basically ...