Sumario de este número

ARTÍCULOS MOHAMMED H. AL AQAD, THABET ABU-ALHAJ The Possible Reasons for Misunderstanding the Meanings of Puns in the Holy Quran from Arabic into English ............................................................................. 1 CLAUDINE BORG The Effect of Self-Revision on the Target Text: Do Self-Revisions Deliteralise the Final Translation? A case study ................................................................. 15 JIALEI LI Creativity in the Translation of the Subtitles of Pixar Films ....................................... 37 SVITLANA LYUBYMOVA, NADEZHDA TOMASEVICH, OLENA MARDARENKO On Lacunarity in Translation of Culture Specific Concepts ........................................... 65 JUAN PEDRO MONFERRER-SALA Translating in ninth century Cordoba. Notes on the urjūzah of Ḥafs ibn Albar al-Qūṭī to his Arabic poetic version of Sifr al-zubūr ....................................................... 79 ELIISA PITKÄSALO, ANNE KETOLA Collaborative Translation in a Virtual Classroom: Proposal for a Course Design ...................... 93 SABIR HASAN RASUL Translation of Idioms across Languages ............................................................. 121 GIOVANA TOLEDO Subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing: Comparing legislation and official orientation for SDH in Brazil and in other countries ............................................... 143 FRANCISCO J. VIGIER-MORENO Is Translation Studies the Cinderella of the Spanish University Sector, or is it its new Milkmaid? ......................................................................... 167 RESEÑAS AURORA CAMPILLO GONZÁLEZ, JAVIERA CANO BELMONTE II Coloquio Feminismo y traducción: cuestiones de género. II Workshop on feminism and translation: gender issues (Cordoba, 20th April 2018) .................. 185 CARMEN EXPÓSITO CASTRO International Conference. Moving texts: mediation and transculturations (Aveiro, 12-14 July 2017) .. 187 PAULINE CASTEL Costa, B. and Gravet C. (dir.), Traduire la littérature belge francophone. Itinéraires des oeuvres et des personnes. Ed. Université de Mons : Travaux et documents, nº 9, 2016 .......................................... 189 PILAR CASTILLO BERNAL Diccionario de anglicismos del español estadounidense, by Francisco Moreno-Fernández, Ed. Instituto Cervantes at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University, 2018. Informes del Observatorio .......................................................................... 195 RAFAEL PORLÁN MORENO On Conference Interpreting – A Complete Course/A Trainer's Guide, by Robin Setton and Andrew Dawrant, two volumes, Benjamins Translation Library, 2016. A brief review on a well-founded, unabridged interpreting encyclopaedia ............................ 197

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