• Un conjunto de materiales cerámicos bajomedievales procedentes de la Plaza de Maimonides (Córdoba) 

      González Vírseda, Marina L.; Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2003)
      The set of pieces which are the object of this study is of great interest because it is the second ceramic collection published in Cordoba which can be positioned in the 13th Century, a time of transition between the end ...
    • Dos tumbas hispanovisigodas del Teatro de la Axerquía de Córdoba 

      González Vírseda, Marina L.; Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      The objective of this work is to inforrn about two hispano-visigothic tombs excavated in 1993 in the Teatro de la Axerquía. There is very little documentation on funeral rites in this period in the city of Cordoba, hence ...
    • Un hallazgo metálico del vicus occidental de la Colonia patricia 

      Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio; González Vírseda, Marina L. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      This article analyses the discovery of two metal pieces taken from the east vicus of Corduba. One is a urnula and the other a Iucerna. The latter is of a type known in the roman world, of which there are examples in Hispania, ...
    • Informe-Memoria de la I.A.U. en el Paseo de la Ribera (1999-2001) 

      Murillo Redondo, Juan Francisco; Rodero Pérez, Santiago; González Vírseda, Marina L. (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 2003)
      This paper focus on the archaeological works held in the former Martos Gate, located at the SE edge of the wall that surrounded Islamic Axerquía. The works reveal the importance of this area in the urban life of Córdoba ...
    • Informe-Memoria de la I.A.U. en las manzanas 1.10 y 1.11 del Plan Parcial Renfe (Córdoba) 

      Fuertes Santos, Camino; Murillo Redondo, Juan Francisco; Hidalgo Prieto, Rafael; González Vírseda, Marina L.; López López, Isabel María (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 2003)
      This paper focus on the archaeological works held in the area close to the Imperial palatium of Cercadilla. The works document many archaeological phases from Imperial Roman times to Late Islamic Age. The most important ...
    • Intervención arqueológica de urgencia en la Plaza de Maimonides, esquina C/ Cardenal Salazar (Córdoba) 

      González Vírseda, Marina L.; Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio (Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 2001)
      The site of this excavation was located in the Jewisth district of Cordoba. Located in the city walls, this area has been occuppied almont constantly from c. I a. C. up to the present day. This has been observed throughtout ...
    • Los molinos islámicos del Arenal de la Fuensanta 

      Moreno-Almenara, Maudilio; González Vírseda, Marina L. (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 2005)
      This article brings to ligiht details of the mills which have been restored at Arenal de la Fuensanta. Both buildings have a long history during which they have undergone several transformations. However, their origin is ...
    • Nuevos materiales cerámicos emirales de Cercadilla (Córdoba): ensayo tipológico 

      González Vírseda, Marina L.; Fuertes Santos, Camino (Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1994)
      With this paper, we wish to show a new group of pieces wich increases the still short repertory of early islamic period ceramic from Córdoba. We also wanted to create a tipology wich can be applied to the whole mediaeval ...