Littera Aperta. N. 05 (2017)
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Sumario de este número
Articles MIRIAM LIBRÁN MORENO Mελιττῶν ἀγρίων (phot. bibl. 94.3): ¿abejas o avispas en Babiloníacas de Jámblico? ................ 5 LEILA HAJJARI, ZAHRA SOLTANI SARVESTANI Impermanence / mutability: reading Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poetry through Buddha .................. 19 ÁNGEL JACINTO TRAVER VERA El manuscrito 287 de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo y su copista .................................. 39 ABDUL-RAZZAK AL-BARHOW Reconsidering white liberals in Native Son ....................................................... 55 RAHMOUN MILOUD Cultural alienation and language discontinuity in la Mémoire Tattouée ............................ 73 Interview ELISABETH DOUSTIN Entretien avec Jean-Pierre Brouillaud sur Ma vie avec Contumace (2018) ........................... 85 Book Reviews WINKLER Martin, M. Return to Troy: new essays on the Hollywood epic (Fernado Lillo Redonet) .......................................................................... 93
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Recent Submissions
Martin M. Winkler (Ed.) (2015). Return to Troy: new essays on the Hollywood epic. Leiden & Boston: Brill
(Cultural Association Littera Aperta, 2017) -
Entretien avec Jean-Pierre Brouillaud sur Ma vie avec Contumace (2018)
(Cultural Association Littera Aperta, 2017)Entretien avec l’écrivain français Jean Pierre Brouillaud, mené par des étudiants du lycée Jean Moulin (Saint Amand Montrond), sous la responsabilité d’El isabeth Doustin, leur professeur de littérature. Après ... -
Cultural alienation and language discontinuity in la Mémoire Tattouée
(Cultural Association Littera Aperta, 2017)The question of Alienation is a core subject matter of human conditioning in the present era. Therefore, it is natural that a controversial issue like alienation should leave such an indelible influence upon contemporary ... -
Reconsidering white liberals in Native Son
(Cultural Association Littera Aperta, 2017)This paper examines the novel Native Son (1940) by Richard Wright (1908-1960). When the main character, Bigger Thomas, walks out of Chicago’s Black Belt to work as a chauffeur for the Daltons, a family of white liberals, ... -
El manuscrito 287 de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo y su copista
(Cultural Association Littera Aperta, 2017)Este artículo estudia el manuscrito 287 de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo (Santander), que contiene una traducción española del De rerum natura de Lucrecio fechada en 1791. Aunque ha sido considerada la primera en verso ...