Browsing Archivos de Zootecnia by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 605
Legorn blanca e híbridos en la producción de carne
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1962)Pullets White Leghorn and their hybrids, foul hybrids and True lines of eggs production, are breed in battery, from I day to 9 weeks, Leghorn and True. lines showed an advantage of living weight and yield canal over Poul ... -
Estudio comparativo de los métodos de sustitución de poblaciones bovinas
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1962)Se efectúa un análisis de los factores que influyen en el éxito o el fracaso de los proyectos de sustitución de poblaciones étnicamente diferentes de ganado vacuno, con exclusión de los estrictamente debidos a las necesidades ... -
Interés del cultivo del altramuz dulce en España como fuente proteica de primer orden en la alimentación animal. I. Rendimientos productivos de semillas de Lupinus albus “Maxilupa”, “Beticus” y “Pflug-ultra” en cultivos experimentales en secano sobre suelos de la provincia de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)In the province of Cordoba (Spain) three sweet varieties of Lupinus albus (“Maxilupa”, “Beticus” and “Pflug-Ultra”) have been investigated using the dry-farming process during the agricultural year 1973-74. Three experimental ... -
Estudio de la prolificidad y viabilidad, al destete, en lechones Large White x Pietrain
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)In a trial with pigs, being reared intensively, with 60 Large White breeding females and one male Pietrain, the prolificity and viability of their piglets was kept under observation, on weaning, during the first five ... -
Caracteres reproductivos en vacuno frison
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)In a batch of 34 Fresian heifers integrated in the same Andalusian development, the possible influence of the age at which the animals are served for the first time over the duration of their gestation was studied. We have ... -
Variación racial del periodo de gestación en ganado porcino
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)The autors have studied the duration of gestation in a total of 713 gestations amongst Large White sows, Landrace sows and hybrid Large White X Landrace sows, and have ascertained an average of 114,3142 ± 0.0660 days. 25 ... -
Aportación a la epidemiología de la tricomoniasis en palomos de la ciudad de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)In the present research we have obtained 100 samples from 10 differents pigeon-houses of Cordoba city. Cultured on specific culture medium for Trichomonas gallinae we have obtained 80 p. 100. Diferences of positives cases ... -
Lactancia artificial de corderos con leche fría. II) Experiencia con corderos separados de sus madres antes de las 15 horas de vida
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)The autos is carrying out an artificial feeding experiment with cold milk ad libitum on 19 lambs of La Mancha race which have been separated from their mothers before they are 15 hours old. The mortality rate increased to ... -
Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados en ciervos (Cervus Elaphus) y jabalíes (Sus Scrofa Baeticus) capturados en la sierra de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1975)A study about organochlorine residues in samples of sera colleted from common deer (Cervus elaphus L.) and wild boar (Sus scrofa baeticus, Thomas) shooted in areas of pine grove, Villaviosa and Gardena, at Cordoba country, ... -
Acción del ácido 2, 4, 5-Triclorofenoxiacetico sobre el cariotipo de la oveja (Ovis Aries)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)The effect in vitro of 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid on sheep chromosomes obtained from leucocyte cultures is studied. The principal effect observed is a break in one or both of the chro¬matids in a large proportion ... -
Sexo y estación del parto en porcinos
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)In a total of 713 parturitions of 324 Large White sows, 180 Landrace and 209 hybrids belonging to the same farm with intensive production, programmed to obtain uniformity of parturition throughout the all year, we have ... -
Observaciones microscópico-electrónicas en Trichomonas vaginalis donne 1.836
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)In the present research we have studied the fine structure of T. vaginalis isolated from patients with trichomoniasis. The protozoan was preserved by culture in vitro. The special reference is to the mastigont system, ... -
Incidencia maternal sobre los pesos de nacimiento y destete en lechones Large White x Pietrain
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)We continue a previous work (Tena and coll. 1974 d) on cross-bred Large White x Pietrain Piglets. The weights at birth and weaning (45 days) of the Large White x Pietrain pigs were: 1.275 to 0"278 Kg and 12.670 to 0"530 ... -
Niveles de residuos de dieldrin en bogas (Chondrostoma spp.) del río Guadalmellato
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)The presence of dieldrin in mencloles (Chondrostoma spp.) taken from the Guadalmellato river, in moderate low-water conditions, has been studied. When the four brains, the four livers, and the four muscle samples have been ... -
Diagnóstico de la gestación en la oveja según su reacción etológica a los estrógenos y capacidad abortiva del D.D.E. y del B.E.
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)Ewes of three breed groups (rasas, 41 kg; gallegas, 21 kg; cross bred fleischschaf x Rasa, 52 kg average live weight), previously exposed to fertile rams were used in three experiments designed to test the possibility of ... -
Contribución al estudio de los caracteres productivos de una agrupación de ovinos de la raza merina campiñesa en la comarca de Baena (Córdoba)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)Productive traits of a flock sheep of the Merino «campifies» group (a Merino of the lowlands of the Guadalquivir Valley) at Baena in Córdoba, Spain. The breeding characteristics in the years 1969 and 1970, of over a total ... -
Aportaciones al estudio ultraestructural de la médula adrenal de ratón blanco (Mus Musculus)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)In Chis paper, an electron microscopic study of the morphology of the cells A and Na of the adrenal medulla of white mouse (Mis musculus) was carried out and the origin and fate of the secretory granules is dicoussed. -
La refractometría sérica en la determinación de la proteinemia. II. La lipemia como posible causa de error en hembras Gallus Domesticus en fase de puesta
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)Total lipid and protein levels are controled in blood serum of laying hens; protein levels, by refractometry and also by the biuret method. Differences between proteinemia values obtained by refractometry and those registered ... -
Influencia de diversos factores químicos y físicos en la proteolisis de las caseínas del queso
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)In most cheese varieties β-casein is more resistant to proteolysis than, αs-casein. This greater relative resistance has been ascribed to such lactors as cheese moisture content, aw, pH and proteins, minerals, calcium and ... -
Comparación de tres parámetros que expresan la relación consumo de leche, crecimiento en peso vivo en corderos de raza merina campiñesa
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)During four weeks the milk intake and daily weight gains in sixteen male lambs of the Merina campinesa breed were studied. The following conclusions can be appointed: a) The transformation index and linear regresion index ...