Browsing Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa. Vol. 09 (1998) by Title
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Actuaciones arqueológicas de urgencia en el extremo meridional del casco histórico de Córdoba: el sector de la Ribera
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)They were performed in a sector of Colonia Patricia, up to now very little known, to be exact, between Cruz del Rastro and Puerta del Puente. These results allow to approach the characteristics study of that urban sector ... -
Ainda sobre a localizacào dos populi do Conventus Bracaraugustanus
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998) -
Cerámica tartesa con decoración grabada: Nuevos testimonios
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)Two new ceramic documents belonging to Tartesic vessels, whose geometric decorative motifs have been made by the engraving technique, are presented in this paper. The first one was found al El Berrueco in Medina Sidonia ... -
En torno al tipo Melpómene Farnesio en esculturas romanas de Hispania
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)In this communication we talke about the subject of dressed feminine type known as Melpomene Farnese, which was born during hellenistic age and was diffused al1 over romans world for representing divinities, specially muses ... -
Imágenes helenísticas en Córdoba: dos ejemplos numismáticos
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)The Greek oriental monetary finds recorded in the Helenistic age are rather scarce all over the Iberian Peninsula. This essay analises two numismatic examples from this time found in Cordoba. The pieces that we present ... -
Importaciones e imitaciones de cerámica romana en el yacimiento de Cercadilla (Córdoba) Siglos I al III D.C.
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)We introduce in this paper a set of roman pottery from the archaeological excavations undertake at Cercadilla's during 1991 and 1992. The cronology of these materials covers the 1st and 3rd centuries A.D., being earlier ... -
Intervención arqueológica en la villa romana "El Tesorillo" del Cortijo de Tiena La Alta (Moclín, Granada). Proceso de restauración y arranque de un mosaico.
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998) -
Lámparas tardoantiguas del yacimiento de Cercadilla. Córdoba.
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)The intent of this paper is to make known a new ceramic form, recovered in Cercadilla, which function is clearly related to illumination. Up to three variations have been recovered of this kind at our site. However, a ... -
Miróbriga: sua valorizaçào e caracterizaçào
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998) -
Paralelos en la musivaria romana de Grecia e Hispania. A propósito de un mosaico de Alcolea del Río y un pavimento de Mitilene
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)This article is a study of the discovery and history of a roman mosaic found in Alcolea del Río (Sevilla), whose fragments are preserved in the Hispanic Society of America. The study of the composition shows us relations ... -
Resultado de la I.A.U. realizada en la calle Terrones 4, 6 (Córdoba)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)The archaeologic site of number 4 and 6, Terrones Street located in the area of San Basilio, has been notified of the findings of archaeological remains. While digging to put the foundation of some houses. For this reason ... -
Un santuario iberorromano Saguntino situado en la montaña Frontera (Sagunto, Valencia)
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)In the top of the Montaña Frontera is located an archaeological sited identified as a sanctuary. Most of their finds are iberian and latin inscriptions of votive character. Its period of activity undertakes from the ... -
Sobre una particular iconografía del triunfo de Baco en dos mosaicos romanos de la Bética
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)Among the scenes of Dionysus riding in triumph in his leopard-drawn chariot, two iconographic variations are offered on two roman-spanish mosaic pavements from the Betica: the frontal scheme and the chariot drawn by centaurs. ... -
El Triclinium triconque del Palatium de Córdoba
(Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Arqueología, 1998)In this paper we tacke the specific study of one of the buildings that constitutes the "palatial complex" of Cercadilla in Córdoba, Spain: the trichorum situated south of the axis of the monument. Even thought the building ...