Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • An extended approach of inverted decoupling 

      Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Morilla, Fernando; Garrido, J. (2011)
      This paper presents an extension of the inverted decoupling approach that allows for more flexibility in choosing the transfer functions of the decoupled apparent process. In addition, the expressions of the inverted ...
    • Centralized Inverted Decoupling Control 

      Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Morilla, Fernando; Garrido, J. (2013)
      This paper presents a new methodology of multivariable centralized control based on the structure of inverted decoupling. The method is presented for general n×n processes, obtaining very simple general expressions for the ...
    • Centralized multivariable control by simplified decoupling 

      Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Morilla, Fernando; Garrido, J. (2012)
      This paper presents a generalized formulation of simplified decoupling to n×n processes that allows for different configurations depending on the decoupler elements set to unity. To apply this decoupling method, the ...
    • Control multivariable por desacoplo 

      Morilla, Fernando; Garrido, J.; Vázquez, Francisco (Elsevier, 2013)
      La interacción entre variables es una característica inherente de los procesos multivariables, que dificulta su operación y el diseño de sus sistemas de control. Bajo el paradigma de Control por desacoplo se agrupan un ...
    • Design of multivariable PID control using iterative linear programming and decoupling 

      Garrido, J.; Garrido-Jurado, Sergio; Vázquez, Francisco; Arrieta, Orlando (MDPI, 2024)
      The design of multivariable process control systems is specially complicated when there are strong interactions between the different control loops, and even more with multiple time delays. This paper proposes an iterative ...
    • Educational software tool for decoupling control in wind turbines applied to a lab‐scale system 

      Fragoso, Sergio; Ruz Ruiz, Mario L.; Garrido, J.; Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Morilla, Fernando (2018)
      This paper presents an educational software tool, called wtControlGUI, whose main purpose is to show the applicability and performance of different decoupling control strategies in wind turbines. Nowadays wind turbines are ...
    • Grey-box modeling and decoupling control of a lab setup of the quadruple-tank system 

      Garrido, J.; Garrido-Jurado, Sergio; Vázquez, Francisco (MDPI, 2024)
      The quadruple-tank system (QTS) is a popular educational resource in universities for studying multivariable control systems. It enables the analysis of the interaction between variables and the limitations imposed by ...
    • Multivariable PID control by decoupling 

      Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Morilla, Fernando; Garrido, J. (2016)
      This paper presents a new methodology to design multivariable PID controllers based on decoupling control. The method is presented for general n×n processes. In the design procedure, an ideal decoupling control with integral ...
    • Practical advantages of inverted decoupling 

      Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Morilla, Fernando; Hägglund, T.; Garrido, J. (2011)
      This paper presents a study of the main advantages of inverted decoupling in 2x2 processes. Two simulation examples and an experimental process are used to show these advantages in comparison with simplified decoupling. ...