• Caracterización estructural del sistema ovino-caprino de la región noroeste de República Dominicana (Structural characterization of sheep and goat farming systems in Northwest Dominican Republic) 

      Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Valerio, Daniel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Romero, M.; Tapia, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2010)
      The aim of this study was to analyze structural aspects of goat and ovine livestock farming systems located in the Norwest of Dominican Republic. The sample (94 farms) was randomly selected with proportional allocation by ...
    • Caracterización productiva del vacuno ecológico en Andalucía 

      García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Valerio, Daniel; Rodríguez-Estévez, V.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)
      The structure of organic beef cattle farms located in Andalusia have been characterised from a stratified survey including 10% of official census. Farms are specialized in raising steers and use native breeds. The mean ...
    • Circuito de comercialización de la leche ecológica en siete comunidades autónomas españolas 

      Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Rodríguez, V.; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Valerio, Daniel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)
      A major concern for organic dairy farms is to develop specific commercial circuits who guarantee the flow of organic products to the consumers. Therefore, the commercial circuits for organic milk are analysed. Actually, ...
    • Condiciones experimentales en los modelos de selección de microhabitat en caracoles terrestres 

      Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Mayoral, A.G.; Félix, E.; Martín, R.; Valerio, Daniel; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
      Habitat selection by terrestrial snails, used as laboratory animals, is an important factor because it can alter growth rates often used as a good biological indicator, moreover of its productive meaning. As support to the ...
    • Diversidad malacológica en Andalucía. Recurso renovable 

      Camacho Vallejo, M.E.; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Mayoral, A.G.; Martín, R.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)
      The aim of this study is the evaluation of malacological diversity in Andalusian region. It has been observed high heterogeneity in relation to distribution patters of snails. Terrestrial edible snail populations are grouped ...
    • Efecto de la adición de carbonato cálcico en la dieta de helix aspersa müller 

      Delgado, M.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Mayoral, A.G.; Martín, R.; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)
      In this paper is studied the effect of calcium carbonate addition to diet on growth, mortality rate and feed intake of snails Helix aspersa Müller during the juvenile stage under laboratory conditions. Two treatments have ...
    • Efecto de la densidad de población sobre el tamaño del caracol helix aspersa müller 

      Martos Peinado, José; Peña Blanco, Francisco; Mayoral, A.G.; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Martín, R.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)
      An assessment was made of the effects of population density on Helix aspersa Müller snails at their nursery stage. A sample of 3420 animals was used, grouped at eighteen density levels: from 600 to 11100 snails/m2. The ...
    • Eficiencia del cerdo ibérico en el decorticado de la bellota 

      Félix, E.; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Rodríguez-Estévez, V.; Avilez, Juan Pablo; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; García Martínez, Antón Rafael (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)
      A functional character of Iberian pigs is their efficiency peeling acorns. This is analized with Iberian pigs on a sample of 40 evergreen oaks. The result is showed as percentage of pulp DM refuse and pulp weigh refuse ...
    • Estudio técnico-económico de dos leguminosas forrajeras tropicales en la alimentación del vacuno lechero en la región NO de la República Dominicana 

      Martos, F.; Valerio, Daniel; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Soto, Y.; García Martínez, Antón Rafael (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
      Two tropical leguminous forages are used as a partial substitute of the concentrate feed to milk production and its viability in the Northwest region of Dominican Republic is studied. Twelve dairy cows are used (crosses ...
    • Evaluación de la sustentabilidad en agroecosistemas 

      Rodríguez-Estévez, V.; Toro, P.; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2010)
      Sustainability needs to be assessed by means of ordinal scales, allowing their categorization. Indicators and indexes have emerged as the basis for sustainability assessment methodologies; they have had to meet certain ...
    • RAEA–Helicicultura: herramienta de conservación y desarrollo rural en Andalucía 

      Mayoral, A.G.; Valerio, Daniel; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Camacho Vallejo, M.E.; Martín, R. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)
      The fast growth system is a snail rearing method with a high degree of technification. Actually, the experimental evaluation of the system is being developed by an Andalusian Network of Agrarian Research (RAEA-Heliciculture) ...
    • Selección de hábitat en caracoles terrestres y sus aplicaciones a la helicicultura 

      García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Peña Blanco, Francisco; Gómez-Castro, A.G.; Félix, E.; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Martín, R.; García-Mayoral, A. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
      Snails are employed as experimental animals in different scientific fields and their growth is a good biological indicator. Growth is mainly determined at a genetic level, although many factors biotic and abiotic may alter ...
    • Tipología de los sistemas de producción de engorde bovino en la Pampa argentina 

      García Martínez, Antón Rafael; Pamio, J.; Valerio, Daniel; Perea Muñoz, José Manuel; Martos Peinado, José; Acero de la Cruz, Raquel; Castaldo, Ariel Osvaldo (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
      The objective of the study is the identification and classification of production systems for bovine fattening in pastoral conditions in the semiarid Argentine Pampa called invernada, taking in account their physical, ...