• Sistema digital de catalogación y consulta de documentos académicos: Tesis, Tesinas, Proyectos de Fin de Carrera 

      Fernández García, Nicolás Luis; Malagón Oloya, Pablo José; Medina-Carnicer, R.; Madrid-Cuevas, F.J.; Carmona Poyato, Ángel (Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2005)
      A digital system has been developed on order to catalogue and consult academic documents: Theses, First Degree Dissertations and Technical Degree Final Projects. The system uses a listing of bibliographical subjects which ...
    • Sistema y método para el recubrimiento con elastómeros y fluoropolímeros de piezas y soportes metálicos 

      Trujillo Flores, Eduardo; Castro Triguero, Rafael; Vázquez Serrano, Francisco J.; Guerrero-Vaca, G. (Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de la Investigación, 2011)
      El objeto de la invención es un método y un sistema para gobernar un robot industrial para aplicar recubrimientos del tipo antiadherente mediante elastómeros o fluoropolímeros en piezas y soportes metálicos, especialmente ...
    • Sistemas de evaluación de los alumnos mediante test informatizados utilizando telefonía móvil 

      Gálvez Espinal, C.; Ventura Soto, S.; Romero Morales, C. (Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2007)
      This paper describes a system for executing adaptive tests in mobile devices. Tests are generated in XML files using Test Editor that is a author tool integrated in AHA! system. These tests are interpreted by our system ...
    • Speeding Up Evolutionary Learning Algorithms using GPUs 

      Cano, Alberto; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (ESTYLF, 2010)
      This paper propose a multithreaded Genetic Programming classi cation evaluation model using NVIDIA CUDA GPUs to reduce the computational time due to the poor perfor- mance in large problems. Two di erent clas- si ...
    • Speeding up Multiple Instance Learning Classification Rules on GPUs 

      Cano, Alberto; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (2017)
      Multiple instance learning is a challenging task in supervised learning and data mining. How- ever, algorithm performance becomes slow when learning from large-scale and high-dimensional data sets. Graphics processing ...
    • sSLAM: Speeded-Up Visual SLAM Mixing Artificial Markers and Temporary Keypoints 

      Romero Ramírez, Francisco J.; Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael; Marín-Jiménez, M.J.; Cazorla, Miguel; Medina-Carnicer, R.; Romero Ramírez, Francisco J. (MDPI, 2023)
      Environment landmarks are generally employed by visual SLAM (vSLAM) methods in the form of keypoints. However, these landmarks are unstable over time because they belong to areas that tend to change, e.g., shadows or moving ...
    • State of the Art, Trends and Future of Bluetooth Low Energy, Near Field Communication and Visible Light Communication in the Development of Smart Cities 

      Cerruela García, Gonzalo; Luque Ruiz, Irene; Gómez-Nieto, Miguel Ángel (MDPI, 2016)
      The current social impact of new technologies has produced major changes in all areas of society, creating the concept of a smart city supported by an electronic infrastructure, telecommunications and information technology. ...
    • Stereo Pictorial Structure for 2D Articulated Human Pose Estimation 

      López-Quintero, Manuel I.; Marín-Jiménez, M.J.; Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael; Madrid-Cuevas, F.J.; Medina-Carnicer, R. (2015)
      In this paper, we consider the problem of 2D human pose estimation on stereo image pairs. In particular, we aim at estimating the location, orientation and scale of upper-body parts of people detected in stereo image ...
    • Study of the Applicability Domain of the QSAR Classification Models by Means of the Rivality and Modelability Indexes 

      Luque Ruiz, Irene; Gómez-Nieto, Miguel Ángel (MDPI, 2018)
      The reliability of a QSAR classification model depends on its capacity to achieve confident predictions of new compounds not considered in the building of the model. The results of this external validation process show ...
    • Subgroup Discovery in MOOCs: A Big Data Application for Describing Different Types of Learners 

      Luna, J.M.; Fardoun, H.M.; Padillo, Francisco; Romero Morales, C.; Ventura Soto, S. (Taylor & Francis, 2019)
      The aim of this paper is to categorize and describe di erent types of learners in mas- sive open online courses (MOOCs) by means of a subgroup discovery approach based on MapReduce. The nal objective is to discover ...
    • SWFAD-IOT: Sistema de Apoyo a la Docencia en un Entorno IoT 

      Cerruela García, Gonzalo; García Pedrajas, Nicolás; Luque Ruiz, Irene; Gómez-Nieto, Miguel Ángel (UCOPress, 2019)
      El presente trabajo muestra el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de apoyo a la docencia mediante la web física en un entorno del Internet de las Cosas (IoT). El sistema está orientado al desarrollo de actividades ...
    • Teaching push-down automata and Turing machines 

      García-Osorio, César; Mediavilla-Sáiz, Iñigo; Jimeno-Visitación, Javier; García-Pedrajas, Nicolás (2014-02-27)
      In this paper we present the new version of a tool to assist in teaching formal languages and automata theory. In the previous version the tool provided algorithms for regular expressions, finite automata and context ...
    • Tecnologías web 2.0 para mejorar el entorno del aprendizaje del alumnado 

      Haro García, Aída de (Consejo Social de la Universidad de Córdoba, 2012)
      La iniciativa, cuyo desarrollo ha contado con un presupuesto de 1.000 euros, muestra la transición de la docencia clásica hacia un nuevo método basado en el uso de las herramientas web 2.0, en el que prima que el ...
    • Text mining in education 

      Ferreira-Mello, Rafael; André, Máverick; Pinheiro, Anderson; Costa, Evandro; Romero Morales, C. (Wiley, 2019)
      The explosive growth of online education environments is generating a massive volume of data, specially in text format from forums, chats, social networks, assessments, essays, among others. It produces exciting challenges ...
    • Text Mining y Medicina: Una aproximación a la detección temprana de enfermedades 

      Luque Guzmán, Mª del Carmen (Universidad de Córdoba, UCOPress, 2020)
      El futuro próximo de los servicios sanitarios vendrá marcado por el envejecimiento de la población y la cronicidad de las enfermedades. Junto a los cambios demográficos y sociales, se está produciendo un claro aumento de ...
    • Técnicas de clasificación para la predicción de tarifas aéreas 

      Barrón Ortiz, Marco Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, UCOPress, 2023)
      Esta memoria de tesis se enfoca en los problemas multifactoriales a los que se enfrentan las aerolíneas comerciales como son la guerra de precios y la creación de una tabla dinámica de descuentos. Por un lado, dentro de ...
    • The AVA Multi-View Dataset for Gait Recognition 

      López-Fernández, D.; Madrid-Cuevas, F.J.; Marín-Jiménez, M.J.; Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael; Carmona Poyato, Ángel (2018)
      In this paper, we introduce a new multi-view dataset for gait recognition. The dataset was recorded in an indoor scenario, using six convergent cameras setup to produce multi-view videos, where each video depicts a ...
    • The use of artificial intelligence for sign language recognition in education: from a literature overview to the ISENSE project 

      Taborri, Juri; Fornai, Pietro; Yeguas-Bolívar, Enrique; Redel-Macías, María Dolores; Hilzensauer, Marlene; Pecher, Alexandra; Leisenberg, Manfred; Melis, Alessia; Rossi, Stefano (IEEE, 2023)
      Common strategies to guarantee the inclusion of d/Deaf students in university are still absent. Recent studies have demonstrated how innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual/augmented reality, ...
    • Three hypothesis algorithm with occlusion reasoning for multiple people tracking 

      Reta, Carolina; Altamirano, Jesús; Gónzalez, Jesús A.; Medina-Carnicer, R. (IS&T and SPIE, 2015)
      This work proposes a detection-based tracking algorithm able to locate and keep the identity of multiple people, who may be occluded, in uncontrolled stationary environments. Our algorithm builds a tracking graph that ...
    • Time series data mining: preprocessing, analysis, segmentation and prediction. Applications 

      Durán Rosal, Antonio Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, UCOPress, 2019)
      Currently, the amount of data which is produced for any information system is increasing exponentially. This motivates the development of automatic techniques to process and mine these data correctly. Specifically, in this ...