Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A Classification Module for Genetic Programming Algorithms in JCLEC 

      Cano, Alberto; Luna, J.M.; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (MIT Press, 2014)
      JCLEC-Classi cation is a usable and extensible open source library for genetic program- ming classi cation algorithms. It houses implementations of rule-based methods for clas- si cation based on genetic programming, ...
    • Multi-Objective Genetic Programming for Feature Extraction and Data Visualization 

      Cano, Alberto; Ventura Soto, S.; Cios, Krzyztof J. (2017)
      Feature extraction transforms high dimensional data into a new subspace of lower dimensionalitywhile keeping the classification accuracy. Traditional algorithms do not consider the multi-objective nature of this task. ...
    • Speeding Up Evolutionary Learning Algorithms using GPUs 

      Cano, Alberto; Zafra, Amelia; Ventura Soto, S. (ESTYLF, 2010)
      This paper propose a multithreaded Genetic Programming classi cation evaluation model using NVIDIA CUDA GPUs to reduce the computational time due to the poor perfor- mance in large problems. Two di erent clas- si ...