• 50 años del comienzo de la edición de la revista Archivos de Zootecnia 

      Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2001)
      Se introduce el contenido de este numero especial editado para conmemorar los cincuenta años de la revista
    • Actuality and future of a breeding program in retinto beef cattle 

      Mayer Valor, M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Burgos, A.; Serrano, I.; Salado de la Torre, F.; Jiménez, J.M.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992)
      We describe the present process of genetic improvement in Retinto cattle breed and the investigations supporting the selection program. The effects of different environmental factors have been analyzed. We have obtained ...
    • Análisis de la variabilidad en poblaciones ovinas españolas 

      Llanes Ruiz, Diego; Garzón Garrido-Espiga, R.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1980)
    • Análisis de la variabilidad en poblaciones ovinas españolas. I. Relaciones entre variables 

      Aparicio Ruiz, J.; Porras Castillo, A.; Rodero Franganillo, J.M.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Barbancho Medina, Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
    • Análisis del flujo de sementales retintos 

      Valera Córdoba, M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      In Retinto Beef cattle breeding, a series of farms have stood out as leaders in animal production in the supply of sires to other farms. In this paper we have made an analysis of these outstanding farms in order to study ...
    • Análisis genético de los niveles de consanguinidad en la raza retinta 

      Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Valera Córdoba, M.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995)
      Within the improvement plan, inbreeding crosses may prove to be a tool that the Retinto cattle breeder might use along with selection to increase the genetic merits of his breed. The majority of breeders know the effects ...
    • Análisis genético de marcadores microsatélites en dos poblaciones de la raza bovina Berrenda en Negro 

      Vega-Pla, J.L.; Ruiter, J.; Zamorano Serrano, M.J.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      The Berrenda en Negro cattle breed has been used classically in the management of the fight bull and currently is found next their extinction. To contribute to the genetic conservation programs of this breed, we are ...
    • Arilesterasas en ovinos: distribución y segregación en ovinos españoles 

      Morera Sanz, L.; Llanes Ruiz, Diego; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Barbancho Medina, Manuel (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1983)
      Spanish sheep breeds are studied in order to determine their phenotypes in the polymorphism of arylesterase. The mode of inheritance ;is studied and discussed, as well as the existence of a possible mechanism in favour of ...
    • Caracterización genética de ganado bovino criollo argentino utilizando microsatélites 

      Género, Enrique Rubén; Vega-Pla, J.L.; Rumiano, F.J.; Zamorano Serrano, M.J.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      It is characterized a sample of Bovino Criollo Argentino cattle with a panel of eight microsatellites. It is detected a number of alleles between 2 and 7. The values of Heterocigosity by locus are between 0.46 for HEL-1 ...
    • Caracterización productiva de la raza vacuna Retinta 

      Mayer Valor, M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Serrano, I.; Burgos, A.; Jiménez, J.M.; Salado de la Torre, F.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992)
      We have studied 1863 animals, including males, females and offsprings, from the Retinto breed of cattle, belonging to different farmers in the Cadiz province. The effect of birth type, offspring sex, month of the birth, ...
    • Circunferencia escrotal como predictor de la capacidad reproductiva en razas de vacuno de carne autóctono: curvas de crecimiento en el vacuno retinto 

      Valera Córdoba, M.; Jiménez, J.M.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Delgado, C.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000)
      In beef cattle it is estimated that quantitative performance of production, as growth or weight in the animals, are ten times less important than the reproductive performance in terms of relative economic value. Within ...
    • Componentes genéticos de caracteres productivos en conejos de las razas neozelandesa y californiana 

      Alonso Moraga, F.; Madueño Rojas, R.; Morera Sanz, L.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1986)
      A study was carried out on animals coming from five strains of the New Zealand Race and three from the Californiar one. Eleven corresponding variables of the different aspect of the growing animals were analysed. The data ...
    • Consanguinidad en el toro de lidia 

      García Martín, J.; Alonso Moraga, F.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1985)
      Five herds of fighting caatle were examined about the inbreeding. Inbreeding coefficients from pedigrees traced-back as far as seven ancestral generations were calculated. Also was ,obtained the variation coefficient and ...
    • Detección de la región del organizador nucleolar en cromosomas de la familia mugilidae (perciformes): precisiones técnicas 

      Thode, G.; Lobillo Eguibar, J.; Camacho Vallejo, M.E.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Alonso Moraga, Ángeles; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1991)
      In the present paper we offer some technical rias. El conocimiento de los NORs en los mugílidos improvements for the NORs detection in Mugilids. ofrece una valiosa información taxonómica y ciWith these modifications we ...
    • Economic aspects in the conservation of indigenous breeds in Andalusia 

      Camacho Vallejo, M.E.; Rodero Serrano, E.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Delgado-Bermejo, J.V. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992)
      In this paper an evaluation in dollars of the cost of the Andalusian rare indegenaus breeds conservation by several methods is presented. It constitutets a preliminary aproach to the development of conservation and ...
    • Efecto del medio de cultivo y la suplementación proteica en la maduración in vitro de ovocitos bovinos 

      Ocaña Quero, J.M.; Pinedo Merlín, M.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Moreno-Millán, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1997)
      In the present work, the effects of oocyte maturation medium and protein supplementation on in vitro maturation process of immature bovine oocytes are described. Three different culture media, such as: TCM-199 medium, DME ...
    • Efecto del método de selección de esperma congelado de bovino sobre los índices de fecundación y división in vitro 

      Pinedo Merlín, M.; Ocaña Quero, J.M.; Ortega Mariscal, M.A.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio; Moreno-Millán, M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1997)
      In the present work, the effect of two selection methods of bovine frozen sperm on in vitro fertilization and cleavage rates of in vitro matured and fertilized bovine oocytes was evaluated. Two usual sperm selection systems ...
    • La endocría en la estirpe Cartujana del caballo de Pura Raza Española 

      Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Valera Córdoba, M.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      Using the genealogical data offered by the Stud-Book, we have used two probabilistic methods based on the basic concepts of the Genetics of Populations: The coefficient of inbreeding and the effective size of the population, ...
    • Erithrocyte GSH concentration in the malagueña goat breed 

      Morera Sanz, L.; Haba Giraldo, M.R. de la; Moreno, Ángela; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1987)
      A population of the Malagueña goat breed, composed of 33 adult animaos (2 males and 31 females) and their 60 offspring, aged 2-2.5 months, was studied for the erythrocyte GSH level. Significant differences between adult ...
    • Estimación de la curva de crecimiento en vacuno retinto: aspectos prácticos para la tipificación de pesos 

      Serrano, M.; Cabeza de Vaca, F.; Molina Alcalá, Antonio; Burgos, A.; Jiménez, J.M.; Salado de la Torre, F.; Espárrago, E.; Rodero Franganillo, Antonio (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992)
      The growth curve in Retinto cattle from Extremadura and Andalusia is studied, taking in account the birthing sequence, season and type of birth, type of mating and offsprings sex. The function of lineal regression, Weight ...