• Aportaciones al estudio de algunas variables corporales, al nacimiento, en las razas español-andaluz y árabe 

      Vinuesa Silva, M.; Quiles Sotillo, A.; Aparicio Macarro, J.B.; Herrera García, M.; Fuentes García, F. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1988)
      A morphometric study was carried out in a sample of 127 foals, 86 of Spanish breed and 41 of the Arab one. They were subjected to the some conditions of feeding and control in order to determine in each breed the mean ...
    • Aspectos biométricos de los pesos al nacimiento y destete en cerditos Large White x Landrace 

      García Cabrera, F.; Tena Andreu, S. de (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1976)
      The possible influence of the age of the gilt, represented by the number of births, on the average weight of suckling pigs at birth has been studied in cross breed Large White and Landrace. This coincides whith a previous ...
    • Biometría del ala en Drosophila melanogaster 

      Muñoz Serrano, Andrés; Lora Sanz, L.; Rodero Franganillo, J.M.; Alonso Moraga, Ángeles (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1983)
      A total of 15 mensurations have been carried out, in both males and females, in two laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster, maintaining one of them at 252 C and another one, coming from the aforementioned, at ...
    • Determinación de algunos parámetros cefálicos del vacuno de raza retinta 

      Regodón, S.; López Rivero, J.L.; Diz Plaza, A.M.; Miró Rodríguez, F. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1988)
      Using variables which allow measurements to be made of direct cephalic parameters -length, width and height of the head (54.8 + 2.0; 23.0 + 1.2; 27.6 + 0.9) and the cranium (19.7 + 1.3; 18.6 + 1.1; 12.8 + 0.7)- a biomathematical ...
    • Estudio biométrico de una población canina de la raza Cimarrón 

      Barba Capote, C.J.; Fernández, G.; Mernies, B.; Silveira, C. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      In this paper is presented a biometrical study about a population of the Cimarron dog breed, using some measurements of the cephalic and body parameters in a random sample of 23 adults dogs (12 female and 11 males), all ...
    • Estudio biométrico en la raza ovina segureña 

      Cruz Mira, M.; Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Domenech García, V.; Peña Blanco, Francisco (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1990)
      20 body measurements and 16 biometric indexes were determined in 812 Segureña sheep, (47 male and 765 female afect from one to ten years. Animals were medium-framed with clear sexual dimorphism; male mean weight was 72.2 ...
    • Estudio morfológico de las abejas melíferas del Archipiélago Canario (Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma, Gomera) 

      Hernández Fernández, R.; Padilla-Alvarez, F.; Puerta Puerta, F.; Reyes López, J.; Flores Serrano, J.M. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)
      A morphological study was made of worker bees from 49 hives located at four island from the Canary archipelago. The study analysed 18 morphological characters and we have found that the bees from Gran Canaria and Tenerife ...
    • Influencia de diversos factores edafotopográficos sobre las dimensiones de plantas de Cistus ladanifer L. 

      Martínez Teruel, A.; Medina Blanco, Manuel; Gómez-Castro, A.G. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1986)
      After meassuring several dimensions of C. ladanifer it is concluded that they are not affected by different soil conditions (altitude,orientation, slope,..depth, texture and color). Perhaps accumulative, anthropic or ...
    • Relación de los tejidos óseo, muscular y graso de canales de cordero de raza merina 

      Aparicio Ruiz, F.; Domenech García, V.; Tovar Andrada, J.J. (Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1986)
      Thirty Merino lamb carcasses were grouped for data analysis in three groups: A, B and C, with carcass weights of 6.5, 12.2 and 14.1 kg. Half carcasses were dissected in order to study the relationship among,bone, muscle ...