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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 324
Establecimiento de un modelo de programación lineal para ordenar cualitativamente la población de ciervos
(Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1979)Using linear programming the authors find the optimal structure of a population of deers having in view the requirements of hunting. Deers should be taken down when they reach their highest cynegetic value. By the end of ... -
Tutores inteligentes para cursos multimedia interactivos
(Instituto de Estudios Transnacionales de Córdoba, 2002)El continuo desarrollo de la ciencia, la técnica y de las investigaciones está provocando, hoy en día, un gran aumento de los conocimientos humanos, haciéndose cada vez más patente la necesidad de emplear medios más ... -
BiViCyT: Biblioteca Virtual de Documentos Científicos y Técnicos
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2003)In this paper a Web information system devoted to the administration of scientific and technicians documents that are produced by the university community is presented. BiViCyT allows the management of tha administrative ... -
COVNET : A cooperative coevolutionary model for evolving artificial neural networks
(IEEE, 2003)This paper presents COVNET, a new cooperative coevolutionary model for evolving artificial neural networks. This model is based on the idea of coevolving subnetworks. that must cooperate to form a solution for a specific ... -
Intérprete y depurador gráfico de pseudocódigo español para sistema operativo Linux
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2004)A pseudo code interpreter in Spanish has been developed in order to the students can learn the basic concepts of programming by means of running their own algorithms. This interpreter works on Linux operative system, which ... -
Online removal of ocular artefacts from the electroencephalogram
(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2004)A method by which ocular artefacts (OAs) in the electroencephalogram (EEG) may be removed automatically online by electro-oculogram (EOG) subtraction is demonstrated. This is achieved by a combination of recursively ... -
Librería para el procesamiento de señales digitales con computadora
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2004)In this work the basic characteristics of the development and the functionality of a specific software are exposed for the teaching in any matter that includes among their contents the "digital signal processing". The ... -
Especificación del proceso de desarrollo de un sistema para la realización de tutorías virtuales como herramienta de ayuda en la consolidación de los criterios de Bolonia
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2005)The main objective of this work is to serve as help in the learning process of the student community in agreement with the new teaching philosophy established in the Spanish Universities for the adjustment of the different ... -
Cooperative coevolution of artificial neural network ensembles for pattern classification
(IEEE, 2005)This paper presents a cooperative coevolutive approach for designing neural network ensembles. Cooperative coevolution is a recent paradigm in evolutionary computation that allows the effective modeling of cooperative ... -
Sistema digital de catalogación y consulta de documentos académicos: Tesis, Tesinas, Proyectos de Fin de Carrera
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2005)A digital system has been developed on order to catalogue and consult academic documents: Theses, First Degree Dissertations and Technical Degree Final Projects. The system uses a listing of bibliographical subjects which ... -
Algoritmos Evolutivos para Descubrimiento de Reglas de Predicción en la Mejora de Sistemas Educativos Adaptativos basados en Web
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Escuela Superior de Informática, 2005)Este artículo muestra la utilización de los algoritmos evolutivos para el descubrimiento de reglas de predicción que se utilizarán en la mejora de Cursos Hipermedia Adaptativos basados en Web. Se ha desarrollado una ... -
Sistema de consulta de notas a través de Páginas Web y de Telefonía Móvil
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2005)In this paper we are going to present a system which lets any student at Cordoba University knows what the final qualifications he has obtained in the different subjects he is registered are. The sytem lets him consult the ... -
Regresión no lineal mediante la evolución de modelos Híbridos de Redes Neuronales
(Comité Organizador de MAEB'05, 2005)El presente trabajo es una primera aproximación a la formación de modelos de redes neuronales con unidades ocultas de tipo híbrido (sigmoides, producto) que siendo aproximadores universales, puedan utilizarse como ... -
Improving multiclass pattern recognition by the combination of two strategies
(IEEE, 2006)We present a new method of multiclass classification based on the combination of one- vs- all method and a modification of one- vs- one method. This combination of one- vs- all and one- vs- one methods proposed enforces ... -
Hybridization of evolutionary algorithms and local search by means of a clustering method
(IEEE, 2006)This paper presents a hybrid evolutionary algorithm (EA) to solve nonlinear-regression problems. Although EAs have proven their ability to explore large search spaces, they are comparatively inefficient in fine tuning the ... -
Herramienta Autor para la Gestión de Tests Informatizados dentro del Sistema AHA!
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Escuela Superior de Informática, 2006)En este artículo presentamos Test Editor, una herramienta autor para la construcción de test informatizados, tanto clásicos como adaptativos, a través del Web. Esta herramienta facilita el desarrollo y mantenimiento de ... -
Tutorial and simulation electrooptic and acoustooptic software as innovative methodology to improve the quality of electronic and computer engineering formation
(IEEE, 2006)In this paper, an introduction to the main design features of a computer-aided educational package addressed to students of the final years of Electronic and Computer Engineering is presented. The software includes ... -
Algoritmos genéticos locales
(Universidad de Málaga, 2007)Los Algoritmos Genéticos Locales son procedimientos que iterativamente re nan soluciones dadas. Su diferencia con procedimientos de mejora iterativa clásicos reside en el uso de operadores genéticos para realizar el ... -
Nonlinear Boosting Projections for Ensemble Construction
(Dale Schuurmans, 2007)In this paper we propose a novel approach for ensemble construction based on the use of nonlinear projections to achieve both accuracy and diversity of individual classifiers. The proposed approach combines the philosophy ... -
Estudio comparativo de la adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior en asignaturas del segundo ciclo de ingeniería informática
(Universidad de Córdoba, Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad Docente, 2007)Nowadays the Spanish Universities are deeply involved in an adaptation process from the university studies to the European Higher Education Space (EHES) in order to reach the European convergence by means of a series of ...